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为了帮助考生能在英语上更好的提升,威廉希尔app 整理了2016年高考英语模拟试题,请大家及时进行练习。







第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)




1.What’s the school like?

A.It lacks students.     B.It has various textbooks.    C.It lacks water and electricity.

2.What are the two speakers doing probably?

A.Buying a basketball.    B.Cheering for Oxford.    C.Watching a football match.

3.How much money does the man want to change?

A.120.    B.100.    C.90.

4.Where are the two speakers probably now?

A.In a restaurant.    B.In a garage.    C.In a hospital.

5.What is the man doing?

A.Looking for a school.    B.Buying something.    C.Looking for a place to live.




6.Where was the bus when the two speakers were talking?

A.At a bus stop.    B.On the way to the zoo.    C.At the zoo.

7.How will the man recognize the zoo?

A.By being told by the woman.

B.By watching for the big gate.

C.By watching for the bus stop himself.

8.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man took the bus by mistake.

B.The man had been to the zoo before.

C.The bus was crowded with passengers.


9.What is the woman?

A.A part-time babysitter.    B.A teacher.     C.A nurse.

10.Why does the woman ask the man to come back earlier?

A.To put Mark to bed earlier.

B.To let her go home earlier.

C.To help her with the exam.


11.What was the man looking for?

A.Records of guitar music.

B.Books of modern guitar.

C.Records of country music.

12.What happened to the man’s records?

A.He enjoyed them but lost them.

B.He damaged them carelessly.

C.His father got them back.

13.Where were the records when the man saw them?

A.on a shelf.    B.In the window.    C.on the counter.


14.What day was yesterday?

A.Monday.    B.Thursday.    C.Friday.

15.Why was the woman late for the appointment?

A.The road was crowded.

B.She was stopped by a policeman.

C.Her car broke down halfway.

16.What has the woman’s children done to the dog?

A.They hurt the dog.

B.They covered the dog with feathers.

C.They gave the dog a bath.

17.What was the worst thing yesterday to the woman?

A.She forgot inviting her boss and his wife over.

B.She forgot to cook dinner for her husband.

C.Her boss and his wife came to her house unexpectedly.


18.Who is the speaker?

A.An official.    B.A tourist.    C.A guide.

19.When can you come if you want to see how bread was baked 200 years ago?

A.On Sunday afternoon.    B.On Tuesday morning.    C.On Saturday afternoon.

20.Where did Sir Henry come from?

A.England.    B.The UAS.    C.France.


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