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第一节 单项填空:(共20小题; 每题0.5分, 满分10分 )

从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.

however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever


1. —I am going to drive home.

—_______! You’ve drunk too much.

A. Take your time B. Go ahead C. Keep in touch D. Come on

2. As the number of _______ newborn babies decreases, more couples should be encouraged to have _______ second child.

A. /; the B. the; a C. /; a D. the; /

3. You are not rich _______ you have something that money can’t buy.

A. until B. if C. after D. because

4. If you care _______ you sit on the trip, check the website for guide to the best seats.

A. when B. how C. why D. where

5. Thank you for inviting me, but _______ , I am not really a big fan of action movies.

A. in the meantime B. in other words C. on the contrary D. to be honest

6. Whatever the problem is, I always feel there has to be a _______ .

A. regulation B. solution C. decision D. relation

7. It was freezing. Not even the thickest jacket was enough to _______ the cold.

A. work out B. put out C. cut out D. keep out

8. There’s _______ out there for everyone. You just have to wait for life to bring them into your life.

A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody

9. I left the tough job because I couldn’t _______ the pressure any longer.

A. handle B. evaluate C. obtain D. feel

10. I am mad when my wife insists on selling the house. I _______ she would decide that.

A. don’t think B. haven’t thought C. didn’t think D. hadn’t thought

11. They couldn’t understand what she meant and simply looked at her _______ .

A. calmly B. blankly C. deeply D. angrily

12. Children with parents _______ guidance is firm and reasonable are likely to possess high levels

of self-confidence.

A. who B. that C. whom D. whose

13. His speech touched the audience’s heart, _______ them to achieve their dreams.

A. to inspire B. inspired C. inspiring D. having inspired

14. The power of a smile is amazing. It helps me stay _______ , even in bad times.

A. sensitive B. passive C. optimistic D. steady

15. Let’s focus on what you bring to society _______ on how much money you earn.

A. rather than B. or rather C. other than D. or else

16. With jobs so hard _______ right now, the idea of being out of work really scares me.

A. finding B. to find C. found D. having found

17. It may be worth trying _______ the effort makes you uncomfortable.

A. even if B. as though C. in case D. now that

18. A lack of vitamin D, the “sunshine” vitamin, may _______ back pain.

A. apply to B. contribute to C. suffer from D. result from

19. Green Gym gives people who _______ wouldn’t have access to gyms a chance to make a difference to their health.

A. instead B. otherwise C. besides D. therefore

20. —Please line up and take your turn.

—Good. _______ .

A. First come, first served B. Easy come, easy go

C. You are so kind D. That’s all right


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