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The crowd cheered and cheered. The man with the horn waved and smiled his great, happy smile. “More! More!” cried the crowd. And Louis Satchmo Armstrong took his horn and began to play again. Here he was in England. Now a famous man, he was rich. He knew many important people. Wherever he went, people knew his name. They wanted to hear his music. As Louis played the sad, slow songs, he thought of his home in New Orleans. He lived there as a boy. How many years ago was it? It was a busy, exciting city. But Louis’ family was very poor. He went to work to help his mother. He also went to school. One of Louis’ teachers asked him to be in the school band. “This horn is yours until you leave our school.” his teacher said. Louis’ music was jazz and he loved it. He remembered all the music he heard. He didn’t learn to read music until he was a man.

When he left school, he played in many bands. He loved his work and people loved him. They knew he had a wonderful talent. Louis played on the boats that sailed up and down the river. He played in little towns and in big cities. Satchmo’s horn had as many sounds as ten horns – sometimes slow and sweet; sometimes fast and hot, high and low. His music was always strong and exciting. “He does make wonderful music, ” said the man who listened happily. “Yes,” said another man, “he makes that horn speak.” “I thought jazz was my music, but now I understand it is ours. Isn’t it beautiful how music brings us together!” Louis Satchmo Armstrong remarked.

21.When did Louis Satchmo Armstrong learn to read music?

A. When he was less than 14 years old. B. When he was in the school band.

C. After he became a grown-up. D. His beautiful speech.

22.What was Louis Armstrong most famous for?

A. His great happy smile. B. His sad and slow songs.

C. His wonderful jazz music. D. His beautiful speech.

23.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The origin of jazz music. B. The famous jazz musician Louis Armstrong.

C. How Louis came to play his horn. D. How people loved Louis and his horn.

24.Which of the following is the best title for this story?

A. Musician B. A Beautiful Horn

C. Sweet Smiles D. The Man With the Horn


Please don’t Hope. Decide!

While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had an experience which occurred merely two feet away from me.

Trying to locate my friend among the passengers, I noticed a man coming toward me carrying two light bags. He stopped right next to me to greet his family.

First he kissed his three children one by one and said, “It’s nice to see you. I missed you so much!” Then he hugged his wife, “I’ve saved the best for last!” giving her the longest, most passionate kiss I ever remember seeing. They stared at each other’s eyes, beaming big smiles at one another, while holding both hands. For an instant they reminded me of a couple who recently got married, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn’t possibly be.

Full of admiration, I asked, “Wow! How long have you two been married?” “Being together for fourteen years total, married twelve of those.” He replied, without stopping staring at his lovely wife’s face. “Well, then, how long have you been away?” I asked. ?Two whole days!??oTwo days?? I was surprised. By the intensity(强度) of the greeting, I had assumed he’d been gone for at least several weeks---if not months. I knew my expression betrayed me, so I turned away my eyes and murmured offhandedly(随便的,不假思索的), “I hope my marriage is still that passionate after so long!”

The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked at me straight in the eye. With forcefulness he told me something that left me a different person. “Don’t hope, friend…decide!” Then he smiled again, shook my hand and said, “God bless!”

With that, he and his family turned and went away together.

I was still watching that man and his special family walk just out of sight when my friend came up to me and asked, “What are you looking at?” Without hesitation, and with a curious sense of certainty, I replied, “My future!”

25.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The man talked with the author, with his eyes still fixed on his wife’ face.

B. After being away for several weeks, the man missed his family very much.

C. It was fourteen years since the couple had got married.

D. Their three kids reminded the author of a couple who recently got married.

26.By saying ?my expression betrayed me? (in Paragraph 4), the author means that __________.

A. his expression was not faithful to him

B. he didn’t believe in his expression any more

C. the man sensed his real feelings from his expression

D. he failed to express his ideas to the man

27.From the passage, we can infer that __________.

A. the experience may be easily forgotten by the author

B. the author will live a passionate life from now on

C. the author will be away from his family and hug them passionately upon his return

D. Americans prefer to save the best for last


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