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“I’m not going to bother now. I had enough of shops and I’m going home.”

The assistant from the Customer Service came across at this time saying “If there is anyone in the line with a few items in their basket,none of which needed to be weighed,1 will check out their groceries at the desk.” Because I had the sprouts which needed to be weighed, the young lady accepted the offer and walked away waving goodbye.

Eventually my turn came at the checkout. I was walking away when I met my new friend once again who handed me a beautiful box of Christmas cookies. With a big hug she said, “Hope you have a lovely Christmas.” She had been into Superdrug to buy me the cookies while 1 was still queuing in Cockhedge.

What a generosity to a stranger! I was so surprised you could have knocked me down with a feather. My Good Samaritan would never know what a joyful Christmas day I had with my family. Telling them this story, as we ate around the table, kept everyone spellbound.

21. Which of the following could be the best title of the story?

A. A Piece of Lucky Feather

B. A Surprise Christmas Gift

C. The Boring Shopping Experience

D. The Unforgettable Big Hug

22. The underlined word “spellbound” in the last paragraph probably means_________.

A. disappointed B. interested C. astonished D. frightened

23. What can we learn from the story?

A. Nobody is sure what will happen the next moment.

B. Life without hope and faith is a dull thing.

C. Being patient will decrease the waiting time.

D. A simple action can bring other people happiness.


Some people would have you believe that being fat is the worst thing you can be. They think that if a person is fat they have no life, no love, no reason to want to look good in their clothes. The sad thing is that many people who are fat do feel the same loathing toward themselves and others who are overweight or obese.

I know what I’m talking about because I have been there. I have been that fat girl who wore big T-shirts to cover my “sins”. Forget style. Forget fashion sense. I absolutely had none. I didn’t even bother getting haircuts for years, just wore my hair long and straight, pulled back in a ponytail. I have to wonder if the reason the fashion industry has ignored plus sized women and children for so long is because plus sized people, feeling they couldn’t possibly look great, didn’t bother shopping for new clothes, and therefore no profit was to be found by producing those sizes.

For me, the change that improved my outer look actually started with my outlook on life. I started by being grateful for all I do have, like great health, a stable family, a steady income, freedom, a decent home, the ability to see the trees turn orange in the fall, to hear my grandson humming in the back seat, to remember the great times I’ve had in my life.

I started to focus on all the positive aspects of the life I already had. I actually started to feel the beauty of the Universe all around me and to realize that I am part of that perfection. The self loathing stopped. I noticed all the people in my life who loved me in spite of my size. I got off the pity pot and smiled at myself. I acknowledged my shame and embarrassment and moved through that too.

24. We can learn from the first paragraph that ________.

A. fat people usually envy others who are slim

B. fat people always have a low opinion of themselves

C. a fat person is easy to be taken away by others’ viewpoint

D. fat people usually have pity on each other

25. According to the author, the fashion industry_________.

A. makes a lot of money by making clothes for fat people

B. does not bother to make clothes for fat people

C. targets on fat people mainly for the purpose of making profit

D. looks down upon fat people too

26. What does the author think is the most important to lead a happy life?

A. Focusing on one’s inner beauty. B. The support and care from others.

C. Neglecting others’ views. D. One’s outlook on life.

27. The author is probably ________.

A. an expert at weight loss

B. a girl who is troubled by her weight

C. an old lady who is content with almost everything

D. an old woman who is much careful with her appearance


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