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( )1、Unless __________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

A invited B inviting C being invited D having invited

( )2、She _________ out alone on such a dark night.

A doesn't dare go B dare not to go

C dare not to go D doesn't dared to go

( )3、______ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu


A Were B should C Would D Will

( )4、-----Would you like to go to the Grand Theatre with me tonight?


A Yes, I'd like to go to the Grand Theatre B No, I won't

C I'd like to , but I have an exam tomorrow D That's right

( )5、The film reminds me of my school days because it _________ the school in

my home town.

A set in B is set in C setting D is settled in

( )6、Some insects _________ the colour of their surrounding s to protect


A take in B take off C take on D take out

( )7、At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to heer daughter until the

train was _______.

A out of sight B out of reach C out of order D out of place

( )8、The Harry Potter books are quite popular, they are in great _____ in this city.

A quantity B progress C production D demand

( )9、----What attracted you to our university?

----You have a great basketball team and I can _______ for it.

A work out B look out C carry out D try out

( )10、________ volleyball is her main focus, she's also great at basketball.

A Since B Once C Unless D While

( )11、Some people believe ________ has happened before or is happening now

will repeat itself in the future.

A whatever B whenever C wherever D however

( )12、He was a black American singer who had started out performing jazz


Even though the Beatles broke up ________.

A in the 1920, in 1970 B in 1920s, in 1970

C in the 1920s, in 1970 D in the 1970, in the 1970

( )13、 Modern pop music has its root ______ the folk songs of black Americans

held in slavery.

He then _______ R& B in the 1940s.

A in, turned to B in, turned out

C on, turned over D on, turned up

( )14、The story begins when a prince is killed for ________ her riddles.

A failing to solve B failing solving

C failed to solve D failed solving

( )15、George __________ the good chance to present his proposal to the director,

and at last, it was adopted.

A realized B seized C delivered D released


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