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复习高考英语考生一定要注意阅读能力的提高,为此威廉希尔app 整理了2016届高三英语12月第一次摸底考试题,请考生练习。


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.Swimming is ___ in summer.

A.a great fun    B.great fun    C.great funs    D.great a fun

22.___ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.

A.During the 1960s               B.It was in the 1960s

C.That it was in the 1960s        D.It was the 1960s

23.The medicine is on sale everywhere.You can get it at ___ chemist’s.

A.each     B.some     C.certain     D.any

24.He is a student of ___ .

A.Class First     B.the Class One    C.Class One    D.First Class

25.I was ___ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.

A.in      B.to      C.at      D.on

26.I had just started back for the house to change my clothes ___ I heard voices.

A.as      B.when      C.after      D.while

27.I used to smoke ___ but I gave it up three years ago.

A.seriously    B.heavily     C.badly     D.severely

28.It is hard for people to understand his action.You can never ___ his thought.

A.learn     B.study     C.master     D.read

29.—Why didn’t you buy the book?

—I ___ but I didn’t have the money.

A.would     B.had had     C.would have    D.had thought

30.— Why did the police ___ the crowd?

— Because the president’s car ___ in the street.

A.break down; broke down

B.break up; broke up

C.break down; broke up

D.break up; broke down

31.Is this the reason ___ she gave for not finishing her homework yesterday?

A.why     B.for which    C.that     D.to which

32.—What makes her so frightened?

—Oh, it is the mouse that she ___ on her bad while looking for her watch.

A. came about    B.came across    C.came through   D.came up

33.—What wine shall we prepare for the dinner?

—You’d better think about it twice, because some guests are ___ about their wine.

A.special      B.particular     C.especial     D.excited

34.—Do you want to go out tonight?

— ___ , it’s up to you.

A.Yes, I want to              B.That’s all right

C.I’m easy                  D.No problem

35.I’ll be at your ___ in three minutes.

A.service     B.order     C.movement    D.signal

第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)


The Unit States is well—known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. 36  these wide modern roads are generally  37  and well maintained, with  38  sharp curves and many straight  39  , a direct route is not always the most  40  one.Large highways often pass  41 scenic areas and interesting small towns.Furthermore, these highways generally  42  large urban center which means that they become crowded with  43  traffic during rush hours,  44  the “fast, direct” way becomes a very slow route.However, there is  45  always another route to take  46  you are not in a hurry.Not far from the  47  new “superhighways”, there are often older,  48  heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. 49  of these are good two lane roads; others are uneven roads  50  through the country.These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along hilly  51  or down frightening hillsides to towns  52  in deep valleys.Though these are less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places  53  the air is clear and the scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a  54  to get a fresh, clean  55  of the world.

36.A.Although   B.Since    C.Because   D.Therefore

37.A.rough   B.splendid   C.smooth   D.complicated

38.A.little    B.few    C.much    D.many

39.A.selections   B.separations  C.divisions   D.sections

40.A.terrible   B.possible   C.enjoyable   D.reasonable

41.A.to    B.into    C.over    D.by

42.A.lead    B.connect   C.collect   D.provide

43.A.large    B.fast    C.light    D.heavy

44.A.when    B.for    C.but    D.that

45.A.yet    B.still    C.almost   D.quite

46.A.unless   B.if    C.as    D.since

47.A.relatively   B.regularly   C.reasonably   D.respectively

48.A.and    B.less    C.more    D.or

49.A.All    B.Several   C.Lots    D.Some

50.A.driving   B.crossing   C.curving   D.traveling

51.A.rocks    B.cliffs    C.roads    D.paths

52.A.lying    B.laying   C.laid    D.lied

53.A.there    B.when    C.which   D.where

54.A.space    B.period   C.chance   D.spot

55.A.view    B.variety   C.visit    D.virtue


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