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以下是威廉希尔app 高考频道带来的2015届高三英语模拟试题,希望大家做好练习!

第一节  单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)


1.I felt ___________ sudden urge to tell him all my problems but I held back because I was afraid that he would make ____________ fun of me.

A.a/    B.the;/    C.a;the  D.the;a

2.True happiness does not _____________ the possession of money,but the joy of achievement.

A.contribute to  B.lie in    C.result in  D.add to

3.—Have a break,Amy.You _____________ playing the piano all the morning.

—OK,Mom.I will stop after this piece.

A. are practicing  B.have practiced C.ha ve been practicing  D practiced

4.The organization ____________ food and blankets collected from all over the world to the people who survived the earthquake.

A.exchanged  B.purchased    C.govemed  D.distributed

5.Today,more people are coming to Beijing,_____________ capital of China,to make ___________better life for themselves.

A.the;the    B.the;a    C. a;the  D.a;a

6.I’m sorry for ____________,but I have anurgent and important thing to talk to you.

A.cutting off  B.cutting in    C.cutting out  D.cutting up

7.His favorite food is fried snacks and soft drinks. _____________ is no surprise that losing weight is just his dream.

A.Here    B.It    C.As  D.What

8.The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _____________ quickly.

A.shuts up    B.ends up    C.runs out    D.turns out

9.—What made her so sad? She kept crying all the time.

— __________ to the ball.

A.Without being invited B.be not invited C.not being invited.D.Having not been invited

10.— Why do you think he is feeling spiritless?

— Because staying uplate makes him at his worst ___________ physical situation.

A.in terms of  B.in addition to  C.on account of  D.regardless of

11.—Did you see the CEO in his office?

—Yes,he _________ by the journalist from BBC.

A.has been interviewed     B.is being interviewed

C.had been interviewed      D.was being interviewed

12.Just in front of our house___ with a history of 1000 years.

A.does at all tree stand     B.stands a tall tree

C.at all tree is standing  D.at all tree stands

13.As was expected,that the magazine .Put out the online ___________ mademore readers pay attention to it.

A.version    B.conclusion    C.admission   D.category

14.He felt ___________ of cheating in the exam,deciding never to do such things again.

A.shame    B.ashamed    C.sorry   D. shameful

15.Nuclear radiation is said __________ the biggest health challenge in Japanese Earthquake over the past few months.

A.being    B.to be    C.to have been   D.that it is

16. In spite of the advanced medical technology,many Americans have no ___________ to health care.

A.access    B.entrance    C.introduction  D.devotion

17.Hurricane Sandy,one of the biggest storms ever, hit the East Coast of the US on Oct. 29,___________ transportation.

A.shutting down B.to shut down    C.shut down   D.to have shut down

18.It was ____________ she lost her job ____________ she realized how important it is that one should study all the time.

A.not until;that  B.not until;which  C.not until;what   D.until;when

19. ___________ we can have clean drinking water lies in ___________ effective measures will be taken by the government about water pollution.

A.Whether;that  B.If;that    C.Whether;what   D.If;what

20. I find that looking after children is a fun and challenging job ___________ you need to be patient and careful.

A.That    B.which     C.where   D.when

21.Our company has now come to the point ____________ we must make some reforms.

A.when    B.because    C.where   D.that

22. A decision was made ____________ those who once cheated to get a position in the company would be fired.

A.whether    B.that    C.what   D.if

23.It was in that small village _____________ was destroyed by the flood ___________ he spent his childhood.

A.which;that  B.that:where    C,where;that  D.that;which

24. Actually,the London Olympic Park is built _____________ there used to be a poor area called East London.

A.what    B.when    C.where   D.why

25.As far as I remember,it was evening ____________ we got to the village that day.

A.before    B.since    C.that  D.until

26. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday.____________,I would have known nothing about it.

A.However    B. Otherwise    C.Therefore   D.Thus

27.—Did you enjoy your journey to the village?

— __________.We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way.

A.Of course    B.Quite a lot    C.Not exactly  D.No problem

28.—What did he become when he grew up?

—A soldier, _________ he had wanted to be very much.

A.that    B.who    C.what  D.which

29.They must have been enjoying themselves there,or they __________ so long.

A.wouldn’t stay  B.needn’t have stayed C.wouldn’t have stayed D.couldn’t stay

30.— Tim,I’m sorry.I used your type writer when you were away this afternoon.

— ____________.

A.That’s all fight B.with pleasure    C.That depends  D.Don’t mention it.




Xinxin,a 12-year-old student from Beijing,enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore.During their visit,he even had the chance to   31   some of Singapore’s sights by himself   32   his father was busy with other things.

Xinxin’s first adventure   33   in Singapore was at a water park near their hotel.He enjoyed swimming and   34   into the water by himself and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was   35   by his father.

The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore   36   a guardian(监护人).He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip.Xinxin volunteered to make his 37  trip by himself.His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch,and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios.He spent a whole day there and had a  38  time.

In an interview with Beijing Evening News,Xinxin’s father said that   39  he was too  busy to spend all his time with his son,he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of   40   .Had Xinxin’s mother been there,she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight,the father commented.

31.A.study      B.explore      C.test    D.measure

32.A.while      B.until       C.before   D.unless

33.A.along      B.alive       C.alone   D. lonely

34. A. floating      B.surfing      C.driving   D.diving

35.A.made      B.set       C.decided   D.asked

36.A.under      B.behind      C.with    D.without

37.A.first      B.second      C.third   D.fourth

38.A.terrible     B,miserable      C.fantastic   D.flexible

39.A.though     B.since       C.if    D.when

40. A.independence   B.daring      C.pride   D. diligence


As a kid I loved everything about school. I loved books,  41   ,tests and homework.Most of all I longed to someday march down the aisle(通道)to receive my   42   .That seemed more appealing even than getting married.But at 15,I had to  43   because my parents   44   afford tuition. My hope of getting a diploma was dead.

Pretty soon,I married. I had three Children,and I thought:“There   45   my diploma.”

Even so,I wanted my children to be educated.But Linda,our youngest child,had juvenile arthritis(幼年型关节炎)inher  46  and knees,which made it   47    her to function(活动)in a normal classroom.

One day,I saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses.

“That’s the answer,” I said to myself.Linda always feels   48   in the evening,so I’11just sign her up for night schoo1.

Linda was busy    49   out enrollment(入学)forms when the secretary said:“Mrs Schantz,why don’t you come back to   50   ?”

I   51   :“There’s no way! I’m 55!”

52   he insisted,and before I knew what I had done,I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts.“This is only an experiment,”I   53   him,but he just smiled.To my surprise,both Linda and I thrived(茁壮成长)in evening school. I went back again the next semester,and my grades   54   improved.

It was   55   going to school again,but it was no game.Sitting in a class full of kids was awkward,  56  most of them were respectful and encouraging.During the day,I still had loads of housework to do,But when I was down,Linda encouraged me.“Morn,you can’t   57   now!”And when she was down,I   58   her.Together we saw it through.At last,I got my diploma.  59   ,my classmates voted unanimously(一致地)for me to be class speaker,and I got a $3,000 college scholarship.

Yes,Mom,I was late for school,but I got there   60   .

41.A.parents     B.teachers      C.trees   D.flowers

42.A.job      B.present      C.certification  D.diploma

43.A.drop out     B.watch out      C.keep out  D.find out

44.A.wouldn’t    B.couldn’t      C.shouldn’t  D.needn’t

45.A.goes      B.comes      C.exists      D.breaks

46.  A .hands      B.head       C.eyes    D.stomach

47.A.1ikely     B.frequent      C.easy     D.impossible

48.A.Worse     B.excited      C.better   D.annoyed

49.A.giving     B.taking      C.filling   D.sending

50.A.work      B.school      C.home   D.office

51.A.1aughed     B.told       C.argued   D.shouted

52.A.And      B.But       C.Although   D.So

53.A.informed     B.asked       C.warned   D.convinced

54.A.regularly     B.happily      C.steadily   D.naturally

55.A.interesting    B.disappointing     C.concerned  D.exciting

56.A.as if      B.even if      C.in case   D.if only

57.A.continue     B.rest       C.quit    D.hesitate

58.A.raised     B.discouraged     C.cheered   D.defeated

59.A.To my surprise B.To my satisfaction  C.To my relief  D.To my credit

60.A.naturally     B.frequently      C.constantly  D.eventually

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



To win an Oscar is an achievement at any age.To do so at 22,as Jennifer Lawrence has,is just amazing.Recently,the American star won Best Actress at this year’s Academy Awards for her role in the film The Silver Linings Playbook.According to Time magazine’s Richard Corliss,Lawrence is that rare young actres s who“lends a mature intelligence to any ro1e”.Though Lawrence has found great success through her big screen work,Lawrence wasn't sure what she really liked doing before the ageof l4.She thought she’d go to college and may be find a career as a doctor or a travel agent.

Lawrence’s two brothers were star athletes and one of them was a straight-A student.Unlike them,she suffered through school,never quite finding where she belonged.However,during a trip to New York,Lawrence suddenly realized that she wanted to be an actress.When she was enjoying the beautiful city,a model seeker asked if he could take her picture,and the next day he called her in for an audition(试镜).

“I read the script(剧本)and it was the first time I had that feeling like I understand this,”Lawrence said.“Within 20 minutes,in the cab ride from the hotel room,I decided I didn’t want to be a model.In fact, I wanted to be an actress.”Having appreciated this young lady’s performance,the agency was so impressed with her reading that they signed her on the spot.But she insisted on finishing high school so she could give her full attention to her acting career.

Lawrence burst onto the Hollywood scene last year with The Hunger Games,which established her as the highest-grossing(票房最高的)female action hero of all time.Rolling Stone called her “the most talented young actress in America”.


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