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威廉希尔app 高考频道最新整理搜集了2014开封二模英语试题及答案,一定是各位最需要的,请大家览阅!




1. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. At home.               B. In a shop.              C. At the doctor's.

2. How will Ken go to the party?

A.  By himself.           B.  with other friends.      C.  With the boy and the girl.

3. What do the two speakers think of the opera?

A. Both of them like it.      B. Only the woman likes it.  C. Only the man likes it.

4. What does the woman. say about Charlene?

A. She made are excuse.     B. She had a good reason.   C. She didn't take her advice.

5. Why does the man want to borrow a bag?

A. He wants to Use it to carry the disks.

B. He wants to use it to carry the tapes.

C. He wants to use it to carry the books.




6. How long will the man's holiday last?

A. 15 days.             B. 10 days.              C. 25 days.

7. What is the favourite  activity of the man's wife?

A. Reading.            B. Fishing.               C. Climbing mountains.

8. When will the woman visit Europe?

A. Not mentioned.          B. Next summer.          C. This summer.

9. Why does Miss Jones want to leave her present job?

A. Because she has never liked the job.

B. Because she wants to learn another language.

C. Because she wants to travel and teach English.

10. Which of the following countries is the woman most likely to go to if she is

given a job there?

A. Italy.                  B. Australia.            C. England.


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