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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高考英语综合模拟试题,以便大家阅读参考,希望对大家有帮助。

Ⅱ.语言知识及运用(共两节, 满分35分)



Several years ago, well-known writer and editor Norman Cousins became very ill. It was difficult for him to even   21   around. His doctor told him that he would lose the ability to move and eventually die from the disease.

22   the diagnosis(诊断), Cousins was determined to overcome the disease and survive. He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book, which discussed the idea of how body chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative   23  . The book made Cousins think about the possible   24   of positive attitudes and emotions. He thought, "Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence, and the   25   to 1ive have positive treatment value?"

He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a way to treat some of the symptoms of his disease. In addition to his traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would   26   positive emotions. "Laugh therapy" became part of his treatment. He   27   time each day for watching comedy films, reading humorous books, and doing other activities that would draw out   28   emotions. Within eight days of starting his ''laugh therapy" program his pain began to   29   and he was able to sleep more easily. He was able to return to work in a few months' time and   30   reached complete recovery after a few years.

21. A. run                    B. pass                 C. move                      D. travel

22. A. Besides              B. Despite             C. Without            D. Beyond

23. A. attitudes             B. beliefs              C. goals                D. positions

24. A. shortcoming       B. harm                C. benefit                   D. interest

25. A. emotion             B. pain                 C. fear                  D. will

26. A. bring about               B. set about           C. put up              D. make up

27. A. afforded             B. appointed         C. offered             D. arranged

28. A. positive              B. approving         C. strong              D. mixed

29. A. escape                B. decrease           C. shrink              D. end

30. A. generally            B. especially         C. actually            D. presently



21. C  由于身患重病,所以无法走动,从下句的lose the ability to move亦可看出。

22. A  “不管诊断(残酷),Cousins毅然决定克服困难,生存下去。”从中不难看出是转折关系。

23. A  既然下句中有positive attitudes,那当然会有negative attitude。

24. C  学会笑对生活,我们会从中收获良多,积极乐观的态度会给我们带来诸多益处(benefit)。

25. D  从前面的名词可以看出,空格处一定也是一个褒义词,the will to live(生存的意愿)。

26. A  既然决定笑对生活,必须生活在一个能够促进产生积极情绪的环境,表示“促进产生”。

27. D  每天都回安排出时间来观看喜剧电影。

28. A  看喜剧电影、笑话书,自然是为了激发一种积极向上的情绪。

29. B  “微笑疗法”使得痛苦减少。

30. C  actually可以表示“竟然”之意。



It sounds funny, but if you eat a lot you naturally have to release a lot into the toilet.  31_________(similar), if you drink a lot, you're going to have a similar result.  Crying is the same.  But the crazy thing is  32_________ people do not know they are taking in painful feelings and painful thoughts, let alone understand how to release them  33_________ their system.

Crying is perhaps 34_________easiest and fastest way to release emotional pain, 35_________ unfortunately it has become socially unacceptable for both men and women to cry in public.  We are already aware of all the social stigmas  36_________(attach) with those who cry in public (ie: weakness, in need of attention, etc.), but  37_________ most people are not aware of is the new scientific studies that actually prove  38_________(tear) caused from 'emotional crying' carry toxins not normally found in the tear created to simply  39_________(moist) the eye.

Crying, like sneezing, coughing and defecating, is a natural way of releasing poisons that are associated with various emotions: both those considered 'good' and  40_________ considered 'bad'.


31.Similarly 32. that  33. from   34. the   35. but   36. attached

37. what  38. tears   39. moisten   40. those

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Jim suffered heart problems. In conversation he expressed little joy and it seemed that his life was drawing to a close.

When his heart problems led to operation, Jim went through it successfully, and a full recovery was expected. Within days, however, his heart was not beating properly. Jim was rushed back to operation, but nothing was found to explain the cause of his illness. He died on the operating table on the day before his 48th birthday.

Dr. Bruce Smoller, a psychologist, had had many conversations with him, and the more he learned, the stranger he realized Jim's case was. When Jim was a child, his father, a teacher, suffered a heart attack and stayed home to recover. One morning Jim asked his father to look over his homework, promising to come home from school at noon to pick it up. His father agreed, but when Jim returned his father had died. Jim's father was 48.

“I think all his life Jim believed he killed his father,” Dr. Smoller says. “He felt that if he had not asked him to look at his homework, his father would have lived. Jim had been troubled by the idea. The operation was the trial he had expected for forty years. “ Smoller believes that Jim willed himself not to live to the age of 48.

Jim's case shows the powerful role that attitude plays in physical health, and that childhood experiences produce far-reaching effect on the health of grown-ups. Although most cases are less direct than Jim's, studies show that childhood events, besides genes, may well cause such midlife diseases as cancer, heart disease and mental illness.

41. Jim was sent back to operation because ________.

A. his heart didn't work well                       B. he expected a full recovery

C. his life was drawing to a close                D. the first one wasn't well performed

42. What made Dr. Smoller feel strange about Jim's case?

A. Jim died at a young age.

B. Jim died on the operating table.

C. Both Jim and his father died of the same disease.

D. Jim's death is closely connected with his father's.

43. From Smoller's words, we can infer that ________.

A. Jim's father cared little about his study

B. Smoller agreed that Jim did kill his father

C. Jim thought he would be punished some day

D. Smoller believed Jim wouldn't live to the age of 48

44. Which of the following could have strong effect on one's physical health according to the text?

a. One’s genes.       b. One’s life in childhood.     c. One’s physical education.

d. The date of one’s birthday.      e. The opinions one has about something.

A. a, b, d                  B. a, b, e               C. a, c, e               D. b, c, d


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