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威廉希尔app 高考频道最新整理搜集了高三英语二模试卷,供大家参考!

第一节  完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~1 5各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Teachers and parents usually call attention to the pictures when reading storybooks to preschool children. But a new study suggests that calling attention to the print the words and letters on the page    may lead to   1   readers.

The two-year study   2   children aged 3 to 5 who were regularly read to this way in class with children who were not. In all, over three hundred students, who were considered to be at serious risk of   3   reading problems in future life, were   4   in a classroom setting. After reviewing the recorded lessons, the researchers found that those students whose teachers most often   5   the print showed clearly higher skills in reading, spelling and understanding.

Professor Shayne Piasta, the study's author, says most teachers would find this method  6 because it needs only a small change in the way they teach. They already read storybooks in class. The only   7   in the new method would be increased attention to the print.

Ms. Piasta says if adults can   8   children in the stories and get them to pay attention to letters and words, it makes sense that they will do better at   9   recognition. But few parents and teachers do this in a   10   way starting first with letters, then   11   moving to words, sentences and paragraphs.

Teachers and parents can point to a letter and outline its   12   with a finger. They can point out a word and   13  , "This is ‘dog’ ". They can discuss the   14   of the print to find how the words combine to tell the story. And they can talk about the   15   of the print for example, how words are written from left to fight.

1. A. clearer           B. better           C. higher           D. happier

2. A. compared        B. paired          C. related           D. involved

3. A. avoiding         B. solving         C. developing       D. forcing

4. A. found            B. locked          C. interviewed      D. observed

5. A. studied          B. discussed       C. saw             D. ignored

6. A. reliable          B. illogical         C. unbelievable     D. manageable

7. A. difference        B. concern         C. problem         D. challenge

8. A. annoy           B. leave           C. interest          D. puzzle

9. A. word            B. voice           C. story            D. number

10. A. easy            B. systematic       C. different         D. typical

11. A. silently         B. suddenly        C. gradually         D. mostly

12. A. route           B. shape           C. move           D. sound

13. A. guess           B. think           C. explain          D. answer

14. A. size            B. style           C. form            D. meaning

15. A. organization     B. development    C. information       D. improvement

第二节语法填空(共1 O小题;每小题1.5分,满分1 5分)


It was my first trip to India, alone. One day, as I   16   (walk) through a local market, a ten-year-old boy came over and begged me to buy a book,   17   had the words "Interesting India" on its cover. I bought it, thinking that when I returned home it would remind me   18  my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that India's people were very welcoming of tourists, and never tried   19    (cheat) them. As I read I felt deeply touched by these warm words.

Suddenly, a monkey came down from a nearby tree, snatched the book from my hand and took   20   away, along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldn't do anything   21   stand and stare. Then a man approached me and asked   22   I wanted my belongings back. He said it would cost me five US dollars. I had no other choice   23    (leave), so I agreed to pay, but only after my bag was returned.

He blew a whistle and the monkey immediately threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learned that  24   man made his living this way: tricking tourists. This was the   25   (bad) thing I ever experienced in "Interesting India".

II  阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Are you competitive enough to make it in America?

There is an undeniable excitement about coming to study in the U.S., but it's not all excitement.

Yes, it is America; it is the land of freedom; it's the place where different cultures clash ... and live together in peace. However, you guys might agree with me. it's not easy to leave home and the security of family, friends and people who love and care about us. And doing it raises some questions:

Is it worth it? Are you equal to the challenge? You might be sitting in front of your computer watching a documentary about America, which shows you the breathtaking views of skyscrapers in New York, the beautiful warm weather in San Diego, and the huge parties along the beaches of the Sunshine State, Florida.

Just so you know, it's all true. I remember how my heart was racing the first time I visited Times Square in New York. I can't find any words in the dictionary to describe how I felt at that moment. Someday, when you get lucky and go there, you will know what I mean.

Unfortunately, TV and movies never show the other side of what students must do to survive America. Education in the States is really different from other places. Yes, there is the traditional A, B, C, and D grading system, and you get to be on the Dean's List if you have all A's on your transcript. However, these grades don't just come from your test performances. The requirements of classes in the U.S. are much more varied and this is the biggest adjustment that overseas students have to manage.

Some have papers that you have to write every week, others have group projects you must do with your classmates, presentations you make in the class, or research you do by yourself to prove your own idea. There comes a night when you have a couple of projects for different classes, a paper, and an exam to study for. And that night you ask yourself, "What did I get myself into?"

I'm not trying to intimidate you, but you should know what it really is like to study in the States. One thing I can promise you is that it is worth all the hard work you put in. And the more time you give to your study, the more open doors you will have by the time you finish your degree.

26. The author wrote this passage to___________.

A. help readers prepare for studying in the U. S.

B. warn people of the dangers of living in the U. S.

C. promote the U. S. education system to overseas students

D. make readers understand the benefits of studying in the U. S.

27. According to the author, America is___________.

A. a place that he could not get used to

B. a country where students can learn freely

C. a dangerous place to live in without family or friends

D. a place where people from different backgrounds get on well

28. When the author first visited Times Square, he felt____________.

A. disappointed    B. surprised        C. excited          D. nervous

29. According to the passage, which of the following is most challenging?

A. Attending all the classes.

B. Getting all A's in the tests.

C. Writing papers every week.

D. Balancing different study requirements.

30. The underlined word "intimidate" in the last paragraph most probably


A. encourage       B. frighten         C. confuse         D. persuade


"The Book That Can't Wait" is a great new idea that seeks to strengthen bonds between first time writers and their readers by getting their books read quickly.

Argentinean independent publishers Eterna Cadencia are publishing a collection of short stories by new South American authors using special ink that slowly disappears once it comes in contact with sun and air, completely vanishing within 2 months after the book has been opened. This makes for an interesting approach to motivating book buyers to read books more quickly, giving first-time authors the attention they need to survive.

"The Book That Can't Wait" tackles an important problem for new authors: How to get readers. The creative independent publishers teamed up with DRAFTFCB in the city of Buenos Aires to develop this project.

"Books are very patient objects. We buy them, and then they wait for us to read them. Days, months, even years. That's OK for books, but not for new authors. If people don't read their first book, they'll never make it to a second," says the project coordinator Tito Santana.

That's why Etema Cadencia, which also runs its own bookstore, has decided to create something different to launch its new authors into the market. It presented its first "The Book That Can't Wait" for the critics and the press last month. The invention is a success. Hundreds of people came to the bookstore to pick up a copy. To help spread the word, they gave away the first edition to customers for free. The very same day it was released, the publishing house claimed that it received thousands of requests for more copies of the book. So it will print a new edition later this month to satisfy the demand. And the best result? This time they have the guarantee that their new authors will be read. The company plans to use the book as a platform for other titles, because they believe there is a lot of literature out there that doesn't deserve to wait on the shelf. And these books won't wait at all.

31. The main purpose of publishing "The Book That Can't Wait" is


A. sell more books

B. make it fun to read

C. invent a new kind of book

D. get new authors' books read quickly

32. The DRAFTFCB mentioned in Paragraph 3 is most probably__________.

A. an organization involved in the project

B. a new South American author

C. an independent bookstore

D. an area of Buenos Aires

33. By saying "Books are very patient objects" in Paragraph 4, Tito Santana

actually means______.

A. books never know when you read them

B. books must be read very carefully

C. books can usually be read at any time

D. books can sometimes have emotions

34. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Light and air can make the books disappear within two months.

B. The approach has only been applied to works of some new authors.

C. Books printed using the new technology have been best-sellers.

D. The company will publish all its books in the future using the new ink.

35. What is the author's attitude towards this new kind of book?

A. Approving.      B. Doubtful.

C. Uninterested.     D. Opposed.


At 10:35 a.m. on December 17, 1903, two brothers from Ohio flew the first successful airplane for 12 seconds and 120 feet along a beach in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. With Orville flying first, the brothers took turns as pilot, and they flew three more times that day. On their fourth try, they managed to go 852 feet in 59 seconds ——an amazing feat at the time. The two brothers had invented powered flight.

Orville and Wilbur Wright owned a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio. Although they had not gone to school to learn about airplanes or engineering, they were good mechanics. By repairing bicycles, they had learned how gears and pulleys worked. They also learned to take careful notes about what they saw. Each time they made a new design and tested a machine, they took notes and made drawings. They would study these to figure out what they could do better the next time.

Before the Wright brothers flew, they did many things to prepare for this extraordinary achievement. They read everything they could find about air, balloons, and kites. Then they made careful sketches of what they wanted to build. They began by making model kites to learn how air flowed over wings. They made them bigger and bigger until they had a glider — a kite that is big enough to hold a person, but with no engine. The Wright brothers made three gliders before building their first airplane. Each time they made a glider, they would test it, make careful observations, and then improve their design.

When they made a glider that flew well, they added an engine. This step was harder than it sounds, because they had to find an engine that was both light-weight and powerful. The engines that they could buy were either too heavy or too weak, so they asked their friend Charlie Taylor to help them build one. The first engine that Charlie built broke almost immediately, but the second one worked well.

After Orville and Wilbur installed the engine in their plane, they were almost ready. They simply had to wait for the perfect day with just the fight amount of wind. On the morning of December 17, 1903, they had their chance. And the airplane flew into history.

36. What was the speed of the first flight?

A. 10 feet per second.                  B. 120 feet per minute.

C. 12 feet per second.                  D. 1200 feet per hour.


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