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威廉希尔app 高考频道为大家搜集整理了2013高三上学期英语模拟试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


One effective way of destroying happiness is to look at something and focus on even the smallest fault. It’s like looking at the tiled (铺瓦的) ceiling and concentrating on the space where one tile is    1   .

Once I heard a bald man said, “Whenever I enter a room, all I see is hair.” Once you’ve    2    what your missing tile is, explore whether acquiring it will    3    make you happy. Then do one of the three things: get it, replace it with a different    4  , or forget about it and    5   the tiles in your life that are not missing.

We all know people who have had a relatively    6   life, yet are essentially unhappy, while people who have suffered a great deal generally remain happy.

The first    7   is gratitude. All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to    8  , but it’s truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy.

The second secret is awareness. We should    9    that happiness is a byproduct (副产品) of something else. The most obvious    10    are those pursuits ( 追求) that give our lives purpose---anything from studying insects to playing baseball. The more passions we have, the more happiness we are   11    to experience.

Finally, the belief that something permanent goes beyond us and that our   12    has some larger meaning can help us to feel happier. We need a spiritual faith, or a philosophy of life. Whatever your philosophy is, it should    13   this truth: if you choose to find the   14    in every situation, you will be blessed, and if you choose to find the awful, you will be cursed. As for happiness itself, this    15    depends on your decision to make.

1.  A. different   B. short          C. missing    D. broken

2 A. imagined   B. predicted      C. assumed    D. determined

3 A. really             B. naturally      C. hopefully    D. completely

4 A. ceiling          B. brick       C. tile     D. house

5 A. go on             B. focus on        C. put on          D. rely on

6 A. easy       B. difficult   C. ordinary    D. peaceful

7 A. factor             B. secret    C. rule     D. key

8 A. upset       B. quarrel    C. depress    D. complain

9 A. realize B. decide          C. prove     D. suppose

10 A. answers         B. results          C. sources    D. goals

11 A. curious    B. satisfied   C. tentative    D. likely

12 A. value    B. existence    C. survival    D. destination

13 A. include          B. tell           C. absorb    D. mean

14 A. worst    B. positive    C. disgusting   D. negative

15 A. absolutely   B. totally        C. largely    D. exactly

第二节  语法填空(共l0小题;每小题l.5分,满分l5分)


After graduation from college, I started to sell. Soon I discovered that the worried expression I      16    (wear)since childhood meant sure failure. I knew it wasn't going to be easy to change that expression on my face left by so many years of      17     (hard).It called for a complete change in my view on life. Here is the method I tried.

Each morning during a fifteen­minute bath, I determined to cultivate a big, happy smile. I found out, however, that it couldn't be a     18    (force) smile developed just for the purpose of putting dollars in my pocket. It had to be      19    honest­to­goodness smile from down deep inside, an outward expression of happiness from within!

Let's see      20     starting off with a good fifteen­minute training of the smile muscles helped me during the day.     21    entering an office I would think of many things I had to be thankful for, work up a big smile and then enter. Seldom did it fail      22      (get) the same smile      23    return from the person I met. I also found that it pleased people when I passed them on the street to give them a cheerful smile.

Give every living soul you meet the best smile you have ever smiled in your life,      24    see how much better you feel and look. It's one of the best ways I know to stop worrying, and start living. When I began doing this, I found      25      more welcome everywhere.

II  阅读(共两节,满分50分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A, B, C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Dear Michelle,

Why can't my daughter manage her life better? She is 17 and an honor student, but she seems to be wasting her life away with a boyfriend who is holding her back.

He consumes every waking minute of her precious time and smooth-talks her as well.

His goal is to get her to agree to go to the college of his choice, not her choice, and because his grades are lower, his choice will be limited.

I feel like I want to rescue her, but she pushes me away and shuts me out. She has only brought us pride and joy; and now this! Help!

A worried mother

Dear Mother of a 17-year-old Girl,

Hmmmmm. What's the matter with kids today? Remember that song from "Bye Bye Birdie"?

Well if you do not, let me fill you in about teenagers and their life-management skills. Do not expect too much too soon because at the ripe age of 17, life-management is not within their reach, nor should it be.

Life experience creates both the conditions and the skills for management, and if management went before experience, there would be little of it.

Your daughter is an honor student for good reasons. She is smart, studies with intelligence and you have given her good values.

When the time comes for her to apply for college, and she visits the ones that are specifically designed for students at the top of their grade, she will most likely break away from her boyfriend's influence.

It is rare for an honor student to change the path of their academic career for puppy love. That being said, there might be some adolescent wisdom in her behavior after all.

Perhaps she is choosing to worry you, her parents, for unconscious reasons. Being such a good girl and being a steady source of joy might have become a bit too much for her.

Let your daughter have her own private moment of 11th grade rebellion. She deserves a break from perfection.


26. From the mother's letter we can learn that her daughter              .

A. is being fooled by the boy                  B. has fallen behind in her studies

C. doesn't talk much with her mother           D. has chosen which college to attend

27. According to Michelle, 17-year-old teenagers               .

A. are too young to manage their life           B. are old enough to live their own life

C. should have management before experience   D. have reached the age of an adult

28. The underlined word "puppy-love" refer to          .

A. false love    B. foolish love     C. pure love      D. adolescent love

29. Michelle seems to believe that the daughter will finally           .

A. come up with the right decision             B. follow her boyfriend's advice

C. worry her parents for unconscious reasons     D. influence her boyfriend's behavior

30. The best title for the passage would be           .

A. College of kids' own choice        B. How can I help my girl?

C. How to manage teenagers' life?     D. A 17-year-old girl and her mother


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