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摘要:威廉希尔app 为大家编辑了2014朝阳区高三英语一模试题,希望大家喜欢下文!




例:What is the man going to read?

A.A newspaper.

B.A magazine.

C.A book.


1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A skirt.    B.A clothes store.       C.A blouse.

2.What will the two speakers do?

A.Finish a report.    B.Go for a walk    C.Borrow some books.

3.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Park the car

B.Order the food quickly.

C.Have a meal an hour later

4.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a store.  B.In a hotel. C.At the airport.

5.What is tlle woman worried about?

A.Missing her flight.

B.Having a traffic accident.

C.Being late for the football game.




6.Why was the woman on the news?

A.She was a famous singer.

B.She won a music competition.

C.She wrote a song for the TV station.

7.What does the woman think of singing?

A.It gives her great pleasure.

B.It takes too much of her time.

C.It will make her famous one day


8.Why will Ted go to see the woman?

A.To make a date    B.To talk about the essay. C.To practice football.

9.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Classmates.    B.Workmates.  C.Teacher and student.


10.What does the woman want to do in the evening?

A.Stay at home.    B.Go out for a drive.    C.Have a drink

11.What does the man advise the woman to do at the weekend?

A.Have a good sleep. B.Rest and have fun.  C.Hold a dinner party.

12.How does the woman feel about the man’s plan for this Saturday?

A.Sad.   B.Satisfied     C.Unhappy.


13.Who is the speaker speaking to?

A.Children    B.Teachers.  C.Parents

14.Why must children carry whistles when camping?

A.To save their lives.  B.To comfort themselves.  C.To carry their voice farther.

15.What can a lost child do?

A.Turn to others for help.

B.Wander around to get back.

C.Hug a nearby tree and talk to it.



Interview Notes

Name:                   Tom Baker

Age:                        16

Position applied:               17

Preferred working time:  Saturday and   18

Working experience:    once worked in a  19

Telephone No.:                20




例:It’s so nice to hear from her again.     ,we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more    B.That’s to say  C.In other words D.Believe it or not


21.In China, you     vote when you are 18.

A.must  B.might  C.can   D.would

22.I've been away for only three years,        I can hardly recognize my hometown.

A.so    B.or    C.for    D.yet

23.This article is well written because special attention        to the choice of words.

A.has paid    B.has been paid    C.had paid    D.had been paid

24.They always give the vacant seat to      comes first.

A.anyone     B.whom       C.whomever     D.whoever

25.In some countries,friends kiss    both cheeks when they say goodbye.

A.on          B.in         C.at          D.of

26.It is hard to imagine       makes a top—level athlete.

A.which     B.how       C.that      D.what

27.The movie Gravity won seven awards at the Oscar night,       was beyond the director's     wildest dream.

A.which    B.that     C.where     D.what

28.----Did he get the job finally?

----Though he       well before the job interview,he failed to answer some importan   questions.

A.was preparing  B.would prepare    C.had prepared   D.has prepared

29.When      about one of the biggest concerns today,many citizens mentioned the sharp rise in housing price.

A.asking    B.to ask    C.asked   D.having asked

30.       Time, the teacher had us do half of the exercises in class and complete the other     half for our homework.

A.To save    B.Save    C.Saving    D.Having saved

31.Remember me to your parents when you         them.

A.are calling    B.call     C.will call    D.have called

32.----What’s that noise?

---- There’s a truck stopping outside.It’s someone        something.

A.deliver    B.to deliver    C.delivering   D.delivered


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