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威廉希尔app 整理了2011高三英语一模试题,供2014年的高考考生和家长参考。





1.Where does the man want to go?

A.To a cinema.      B.To a camera shop.     C.To a clothing shop.

2.What time does the man usually get up when he’s fine?

A.Around seven.    B.Around six.          C.At half past six.

3.What type of movie are the two speakers going to see?

A.A horror movie.   B.A humorous movie.    C.An action movie.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She thinks salary is more important than interest.

B.She thinks interest is more important than salary.

C.She thinks salary is as important as interest.

5.How will Dick spend most of his summer vacation?

A.He will stay at home.

B.He will stay in the school.

C.He will go on vacation.

第二节:(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分



6.Where are May’s parents right now?

A.In America.      B.In Europe.      C.In Canada.

7.When will May’s parents finish the film?

A.By Christmas.    B.By Thanks Giving.    C. By New Year.

8.What call we learn from the conversation?

A.The man talked to his parents last night.

B.The woman has a strange dressing hobby.

C.The woman’s parents are engaged in film making.


9.What does the woman want for lunch?

A.Mexican noodles with ham,a cup of coffee.

B.Four pieces of sandwiches,a cup of tea.

C.Italian noodles with ham,a cup of tea.

10.What does the man want for lunch?

A.Cake and tea.    B.Cake and coffee.    C.Noodles and tea.

11.Why doesn’t the man want much food for lunch?

A.Because he will have a big supper this evening.

B.Because he doesn’t like the food here.

C.Because he isn’t hungry now.


12.Who is probably the woman?

A.Johnson’s wife.

B.Johnson’s neighbor.

C.Head of the Science Department.

13.What’s the matter with Johnson?

A.He can’t find his office key.

B.He has lost his voice.

C.He doesn’t like his class.

14.What favor does Johnson want someone to do for him?

A.Mark the latest homework.

B.Put a notice on the classroom door.

C.Return some exam papers to his students.

听第9段材料,回答第1 5至1 7题

1 5.Why did the woman congratulate the man?

A.Because he was elected chairman of the Students’ Union.

B.Because he was elected chairman of a social organization.

C.Because he was elected deputy chairman of the Students’ Union.

16.How many candidates were there?

A.3.    B.4.    C.5.

17.What did the man’s teachers advise him to do?

A.Not to lose the opportunity.

B.Not to join in the election.

C.Not to devote time and energy to social work.


1 8.What is the speaker’s first suggestion for language learners?

A.Keeping oneself motivated.

B.Burying oneself in the language.

C.Finding the target language.

1 9.Which is the most important according to the speaker?

A.Taking notes often.

B.Finding settings.

C.Hearing the language regularly.

20.What can we learn from the talk?

A.The speaker gives three suggestions in total.

B.Hearing the target language regularly can keep one motivated.

C.Keeping a situational notebook can keep one motivated.



21. Mr. Johnson insisted that he _____ his debts, but nobody believed him.

A. pay           B. pays         C. paid          D. had paid

22. ____ many times, I could not remember her telephone number.

A. Told          B. Being told    C. Having told    D. Having been told

23. He was so careless that he left _____the door ____.

A. leaving…unlocked        B. to leave…locked

C. left…unlocking           D. leaving…locking

24. She is _____ careful girl ______ she hardly makes mistakes in the exam.

A. so, that       B. such, that      C. a such, that    D. such a, that

25. The new library, ______ last week, is very popular _____ the students.

A. opening, to   B. opened, with   C. open, to   D. having been opened, among

26. —"I stayed at a hotel while in New York."

—"Oh, did you? You _____ with Barbara."

A. could have stayed             B. could stay

C. would stay                   D. must have stayed

27. John was made ______ the truck for a week as a punishment.

A. to wash        B. washing       C. wash        D. to be washed

28. Dr Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can't remember _____.

A. where         B. there          C. which        D. that

29. I couldn't get to sleep, but _____ all night.

A. lay awake      B. lay awaked    C. lay awaking    D. lay waked

30. Why do you want a new job_____ you've got such a good one already?

A. that          B. while         C. which         D. when

31. _____ teaching in a university, he also spent some time teaching in a night school.

A. Besides       B. Except       C. Except for       D. Except that

32. By the time I _____the railway station, the train _____.

A. got to, left     B. reached, had left   C. arrived, had left   D. came, left

33. What the teacher said in class set all the _____ a lot.

A. present students to think          B. students present thinking

C. present students thinking          D. students present to think

34. Country life provides him with peace and quietness, ______ what he can't enjoy living in cities.

A. that is        B. which is       C. what          D. is for which

35. It was in 1969 ___ the American astronauts first succeeded in landing on the moon.

A. that          B. when          C. which           D. in which


The science teacher believed very strongly in practical work as a means of teaching science effectively, and she wanted her pupils' parents to see how well their children were learning ___36___ her methods. She therefore arranged for all the parents ___37___ and see the results of one of the ___38___ experiments on a Saturday evening,___39___ all of them were free. The children had been studying the growth of plants, and they ___40___ four pots of beans a few weeks before.  They had put poor soil in one pot, to see ___41___ effect this would have ___42___ the growth of the beans in ___43___,and good soil in ___44___ three pots. Then they had put one of the ___45___ in the dark for several days, and had given ___46___ pot no water for the same length of time.

At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon, the teacher put little ___47___ on the four pots:‘The beans in this pot were planted in poor soil.’‘This pot ___48___ in the dark for four days.’‘These beans have had no water for four days.’‘These beans have had good soil, plenty of light and ___49___  water.’ Then the teacher went home.

When she arrived on ___50___ evening, half an hour before the ___51___were due to come, she found this note beside the pots:‘We read your notes  ___52___ the school servant and thought we would help him, so we watered all the plants, changed the earth in the one with ___53___ soil, and ___54___ the light on above the one that had been left in the dark for four days. We hope that the plants will now grow___ 55___.’

Your friends,

‘The Boy Scouts.’

36.A. by              B. with          C. in           D. through

37.A. come            B. came         C. to come       D. coming

38.A. child            B. children       C. child's        D. children's

39.A. when            B. as            C. because       D. since

40.A. have planted      B. had planted    C. planted      D. had been planted

41.A. how            B. what          C. which         D. why

42.A. in              B. on            C. for           D. with

43.A. them            B. that          C. it             D. one

44.A. the other         B. an other       C. Other         D. others

45.A. beans           B. soil           C. plants         D. pots

46.A. a third           B. the third       C. a fourth       D. the fourth

47.A. notes            B. messages      C. notices       D. announcements

48.A. had been kept                     B. has been kept

C. had been remained                D. has been remained

49.A. no              B. some         C. much         D. regular

50.A. Friday           B. Saturday      C. Sunday       D. Monday


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