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摘要:威廉希尔app 为大家带来2011届高考英语模拟试题,希望大家喜欢下文!

第一卷 (三部分,共115分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. Who is the man? 1. A

A. A taxi driver.      B. A restaurant waiter.

C. A traffic policeman.

2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?  2. C

A. Boss and secretary.

B. Teacher and student.

C. tlusband and wife.

3. What do we know about the woman? 3. C

A. She missed Jane’s birthday party.

B. She hasn’t received Jane’s invitation.

C. She will attend Jane’stbirthday party.

4. Where is Mr Baker now?4. B

A. At his office.     B. At a restaurant.

C. At the travel service.

5. What happened to the woman? 5. B

A. A thief broke into her garden.

B. Some of her money was stolen.

C. One of her windows was broken.




6. What are the two speakers talking about? 6. A

A. A part-time job.

B. A computer lesson.

C. Summer holiday plan.

7. How did the man get this information? 7. C

A. He asked the computer centre.

B. He received a letter.

C. He received an e mail.

8. What does the woman think of herself? 8. B

A. She knows little about computers.

B. She doesn’t have much experience.

C. She has little interest in the Internet.


9. Where does the conversatkm take place? 9. C

A. At a seafood shop.    B. In a dining hall.

C. On the phone.

10. What do we know about the restaurant?  10. B

A. It is famous for seafood.

B. It seldom accepts large parties.

D. Famous pcopic often come to dine.

11. What can we learn from the conversation? 11. C

A. The restaurant is by the sea.

B. Seafood is very popular nowadays.

C. Regular customers have advantages there.


12. Why does the woman not; book hotel rooms? 12. A

A. She is staying with !%r friends.

B. She wants to save money.

C. Shc can’t find a hotel.

13. What is tile man going to do in the vacation?  13. A

A. Td take piano lessons.

B. To go to the beach, too.

C. To give piano lessons.


14. What is the woman’s problem?  14. B

A. She has some friends in her room.

B. She is looking for a place to study.

C. She can’t walk in the rain.

15. Why can’t the woman use the classroom?  15. C

A. It is closed for repairs.

B. It is not quiet enough there.

C. A club is having a meeting.

16. Where will the woman probably go?  16. A

A. To the city library.

B. To the man’s home.

C. To  the  reading room,


17. How many people died in the accident?  17. A

A. Four.   B. Over ten.  C. More than thirty.

18. Ilow many people were in the bus?  18. C

A. Forty-two. B. Forty-seven.  C. Forty-nine.

19. What were the students doing when the accident happened?  19. A

A. Sleeping.     B. Enjoying music.

C. Preparing for a concert.

20. What else can we learn from the news?  20. B

A. School had to Be closed on Friday.

B. Some of the injured are still under treatment.

C. The accident was caused by careless driving.



21. —Bread ______ butter? 21. B

— Bread ______no butter. thank you.

A. or, and        B. and, but

C. or, but       D. and. and

22. The old tower looks nice. It’s about ______  22. D

A. twelve-metre-high

B. twelve-metre high

C. twelve-metrees high

D. twelve metres high

23. My car ______ down just when I need it most. I have to get it repaired.  23. D

A. always breaks    B. has always broken

C. always broke      D. is always breaking

24. Mrs Read went to the market and bought several ______ eggs. 24. C

A. dozen of      B. dozens

C. dozen        D. dozens of

25. ______ come into leaf or bloom is obviously a sign of spring. 25. C

A. Trees        B. The trees

C. That trees    D. What trees

26 —I’nl sorry to ____ you to so much trouble. 26. A

—That’s all right.

A. put   B. add   C. give    D. take

27. ______ winner, who might be the luckiest, was a housewife. 27. B

A. The hundred        B. The hundredth

C. Hundreds of        D. A hundredth

28. —We don’t have enough books. What would you like to ______?  28. C

—How about two of us     one?

A. say, share        B. suggest, share

C. say, sharing       D. suggest, sharing

29. —The party was a great success. Why didn’t you come?  29. A

—I wish I_______.

A. had         B. did

C. would       D. should

30. —It has rained for a day. What timely rain! 30. A

A. So it is         B. So is it

C. So it has       D. So has it

31. A professor of biology gave a talk to more than 1000 students on elephants living conditions and the dangers _______ them. 31. B

A. face          B. facing

C. faced         D. are facing

32. —What made ber so sad? 32. C

—______a good chance to go abroad.

A. Miss        B. Missed

C. Missing      D. Being missed

33. Only ______ how to get the job well done ahead of time.  33. D

A. does Robert know    B. Robert does know

D. Robert knows    C. does know Robert

34. Martha Berry was named one of _____ women in the United States. 34. A

A. the twelve most important

B. twelve the most important

C. the most important twelve

D. the most twelve important

35. —I’m afraid I must be off now. 35. D


A. No problem     B. Never mind

C. Step slowly      D. See you



When I walked into the living-room, nay 12-yeakold son looked   36   at me and said “I love you”. I didn’t know what to say.    37   several seconds I stood there and    38   down at him. My first thought was that he must need   39   while doing his homework   40   he was trying to prepare me for some   41   .

“   42   ,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s an experiment.”

The next day I   43   his teacher at my office to find out more about this “   44   ” and how the other parents had responded (反应).

“   45   , most of the fathers did the same as you ,: the teacher explained, “Feeling   46   is an important part of   47  . It’s something all human beings  48  . What I’m trying to tell the children is that it’s too   49   that we don’t express those leelings. A boy should be  50   to tell his dad that he loves him.”

The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how dilficult it is for  51  of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.

When my son came to me  52  , I held on to him for an extra second. And just   53  he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly  54  , “Hey, I love yom.”

I didn’t know il saying that would make  55  of us healthier, but we did fecl pretty better.

36. A. down   B. away     C. out     D. up  36. D

37. A. After    B. For     C. In      D. On37. B

38. A. glanced  B. got    C. stared    D. knocked  38. C

39. A. surprises   B. time   C. help     D. paper  39. C

40. A. or    B. but     C. when    D. while  40. A


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