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摘要:为了帮助考生们了解高考信息,威廉希尔app 分享了2011高考英语一模试题,供您参考!



1.How long does the woman suggest spending at the beach?

A.Two months. B.Half a month.     C.One week.

2.What's the man’s attitude towards the woman’s remarks?

A.Angry.  B.Surprised.   C.Disappointed.

3.When will the speakers see the performance on Saturday?

A.At 3:00 p.m.  B.At 7:00 p.m.    C.At 8:00 p.m.

4.Where is Mr.Davies now?

A.At home. B.In his office.       C.In his way to office.

5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.An article of clothing.  B, A clothes shop.          C.A friend.




6.Who deals with deliveries in the company at present?

A.Jennings?      B.Eric George.  C.Tom Smith.

7.When will the package be delivered?

A.Next Tuesday.  B.Next Monday.     C.Today


8.What does the woman think of the traffic?

A..Orderly.     B.Terrible.     C.Just so-so.

9.What made the woman angry the other day?

A.She waited an hour for a bus.

B.She didn't get on a bus at rush hour.

C.She had waited long when three buses arrived together.

10.How does Tony Berelli go to work?

A.By bus.             B.On foot      C.By subway.


11.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.Arrange an appointment for him.

B.Introduce a new product to him.

C.Repair a mobile phone for him.

12.What does the man say about the battery?

A.It's expensive.      B.Vs very light           C.It lasts long.

13.What is the probable relationship between the woman and Linda?

A.Job hunter and manager,

B.Employee and employer.

C.Customer and shopkeeper.


14.Who is the woman probably?

A.A Salesgirl.        B.A librarian        C.A waitress.

15.Why does the man want to- change the CD?

A.It is broken.,

B.His mum took it wrong,

C.He doesn't like it any more.

16.What does the man want to exchange the CD for?

A.The latest CD by Chaos Theory.

B.The first CD by Chaos Theory.

C.A computer game.


17.What is the news conference between America and Russia about?

A.Promoting global economy.

B.Protecting energy security.

C.Improving relations.

18.Where is the summit held?

A.In New York.         B.In Brussels.      C.In Moscow.

19.What do we know about the accident?

A.It stopped the traffic for more than an hour.

B.It happened-in the afternoon, rush hour.

C.It caused two injuries.

20.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A.Rainy.       B.Fine and hot.    C.Cloudy.




21.In many places in China, _____ bicycle is still _____ popular means of transportation.

A.a; the         B./; a     C.the? a         D.the; the

22.The road is covered with snow.I can't understand          they insist on going by motor-bike.

A.when         B.why         C.whether       D.how

23.Your floor is dirty.It needs _____.

A.cleaning        B.to clean      C.clean          D.cleaned

24.I will pay you double if you _____the work finished by Friday.

A.will.get   B.get           C.got             D.are getting

25.The book will be given to _____ wins the first prize.

A.anyone       E.who         C.whoever       D.whomever

26.—Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday? ?

—Yes, he did.He ______ his.Old friends for a long time.

A.didn't see                     B.hadn’t seen

C.hasn't seen                   D.wouldn’t see

27.They will fly to Washington, _____ they plan to stay for two-Or three days.

A.where         B.there        C.which     D.when

28._____ many times, but he forgot all about it.

A.Having told him               B.I had told him

C.Having been told             D.Though told

29.In front of the house _____ with a history of 100 years.

A.does a tall stand                B.stands a tall tree

C.a tall tree is standing         D.a tall tree stands

30.They are leaving for Hangzhou in ten days —____, next Friday.

A.in other words                B.in many ways

C.on the whole               ' D.on the contrary

31.Finally his efforts _           and lie succeeded in holding the piano concert.

A.paid for        B.paid out      C.repaid          D.paid off

32.As they haven't a child of their own, they're going to          a little girl.

A.accept          B.receive       C.adapt           D.adopt

33.He insisted on going abroad to have further study __     his parents objection.

A.by means of                   B.in favour of'

C.regardless of                    D.for the purpose of

34.Would it be _____ for you to pick me up at four o'clock and take me to the airport?

A.free           B.vacant       C.handy         D.convenient

35.—Sorry, I made a mistake again.

—_____.Practice more and you'’ll succeed.

A.Never mind                    B.Certainly not

C.Not at all                     D.Don't mention it


A boy selling magazines walked up to a house people seldom visited.The house was old and the owner  36  came out.When he did come out he wouldn't say hello to anybody  37  simply stared at them.

The boy knocked on the door and __38__.As he was ready to   39   away, the door slowly opened."What do you want?" the old man said.

"Uh, sir, I'm selling these magazines and I was  40  if you'd like to buy one." The old man  41   stared at the boy.The boy could see the inside of the house and  42   some dog figurines(小雕像)."Do you  43   dogs?" the boy asked."Yes, I do.They're my family here and they're all I have." The boy felt sorry for the man, as he seemed to be very   44  ."I've a magazine here for collectors.It's perfect for you.I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much." But the old man said, "I need   45   of the magazines, now goodbye."

The boy was sad.He went home and then an idea   46   to him..He had a little dog figurine.He walked back to the old man's house with the  47 .He knocked on the door again and this time the old man came right to the door."Boy, I  48   I told you no magazines."

"No, sir.I know that.I wanted to bring you a  49   ." The boy handed him the figurine and the old man's face  50  ."It's a Golden Retriever.I have one at home.

This one is  51  you." The old man was  52  ; no one had ever shown him so much  53 ? "Boy, you have a big    54  .Thank you!" From that day on the old man  55  coming ont of the house and talking with people.

36.A.regularly      B.never         C.hardly          D..nearly

37.A.but            B.when         C.as             D.so

38.A.hurried        B.remained     C.waited         D.left

39.A.drive         B.run          C.escape         D.walk

40.A.wondering     B.saying       C.doubting       D.hoping

41.A.ever       '   B.yet           C.still      D.just

42.A.loved          B.noticed       C.contacted       D.sensed

43.A.help           B.raise          C.collect          D.like .

44.A.lonely         B.cruel         C.old             D.terrible

45.A.nothing       B.none         C.either          D.some

46.A.happened      B.reached      C.brought        D.occurred

47.A, fear           B.magazine     C.figurine        D.idea

48.A, imagined      B.thought      C.wished         D.expected

49.A.friend         B.dog          C.gift            D.book

50.A.went up       B.turned up    C.grew up       D.lit up

51.A, with          B.for           C.on             D.in

52.A.surprised      B.calm         C.disappointed   D.encouraged

53.A.pity           B.kindness     C.politeness      D.happiness

54.A.hand          B.eye          C.heart          D.head

55.A.continued     B.started       C.avoided        D.risked




Everybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of life.This time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happened.

On an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's dress and picked out a beautiful skirt."Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago.She never wore it.She was saving it for a special occasion." he said.I guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral (葬礼) of my sister, after her unexpected death.

He took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeral.Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion.Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

I'm thinking about his words, and they've changed the way I live my life.I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings.Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer."Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their importance on my vocabulary.If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, ! want to see.and hear and do it now.

Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold hack or save anything that would ad

56.Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but didn't wear it?

A.She waited for a special occasion to wear it on.

B.She wanted to keep it for someone else.

C.She saved it till she grew up.

D.She would give it to herself as a gift some day.


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