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On most shores you will notice that the sea level changes throughout the day. These ups and downs of the seas are called tides.

Why should tides happen? Everything on the Earth’s surface is attracted towards the Earth by a fore called gravity (地心引力). The Moon and the Sun also have a gravitation-al pull of their own. As thc Moon passes around the Earth it attracts the waters of the o-ceans on the side facing it, pulling them away from thc Earth, and causing them to rise. On the opposite side from this tidal rise, there is another one because on that side, the land is nearer the Moon than the waters, and the land is pulled away from the seas, leav-lng a rise behind. These two rises remain in the same position in reaction to the Moon, but the rotation (旋转) of the Earth means that each of them appears to move around the Earth. These rises are called high water and the gaps (间隙) between them are called low water.

There are two other factors which help in the formation of the tides. You know that if you cause the water in your bath to rock, it may rise and fall against the side of the bath for some time. In the same way, once the tides have begun, the waters tend to continue to rock up and down and they are given an extra push by the attraction of the Moon. The Sun also tends to attract the Earth’s oceans towards itself, but because it is so much fur-ther away, the attraction is less important. At certain times of the year, however, the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth are all in a straight linc. When this happens, the attrac-tion of the Sun is added to the attraction of the Moon and tides are extra high.

Waves are almost wholly the result of wind blowing across the surface of the water. The wind pulls thc water,to form waves which move slowly forward, and get larger. Al-though the wave shape moves forward, each bit of water moves round in circle and docs not change its average position. The height of a wave depends on three factors — how hard the wind is blowing, how long the wind has been blowing, and the fetch. The word “fetch” means the length of the stretch of open water over which the wind is blowing.

73. Each tidal rise seems to move around the Earth because of _____.  73. C

A. the relationship between the Moon and the Earth

B. the positions of the two rises

C. the rotation of the Earth

D. the gravitational pull of the Moon

74. According to the passage, how many hours docs a tidal rise pass the same place on Earth?  74. B

A. About 6 hours         B. About 12 hours

C. About 18 hours        D. About 24 hours

75. Tides reach their highest levcl when ______.75. D

A. the waters continue to rock up and down

B. the waters are given an extra push by the gravitational of the Moon

C. the Sun also tends to attract the Earth’s oceans

D. the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth are in line




New York can be a very danger city —especially at76. _______     76. danger—dangerous

night. Many people dare not to go out alone into the streets77. _______     77. 去掉to

after darkness. This problem is worse for a single woman like78. _______     78. darkness—dark

Miss Green. As a singer, she had to drive alone to clubs 79. _______   79. √

lately at night. Then she had drive home after the shows. 80. _______    80. lately—late

She needed a “friend” when she drove to working  81. _______    81. working—work

or back82. _______   82. name—named

home. She found a man shaped balloon name Bob and set him  83. _______    83. name—named

in passenger seat of her car while she drove at night. 84. _______ 84. think—thought

People on the street think the woman driver had a man 85. _______85. but—so

with her but she felt safe.



活动方式 活动内容

午 ①同校长会见


③参加英语角活动 ①校长介绍校史



午 到中国学生家做客 结识家长,共进午餐





Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention please? Warmly welcome to our school! Now let me make clear to you the arrangements of your activities today.

This morning, our headmaster will meet you. He will tell you about the history of our school. Then you will visit our Lab Building, our library and our school run works. You will take part in our English-corner activity before noon time. The students will talk to you in English. In the afternoon, you will go to some of the students’ homes as hono-red guests. You’ll make friends with the parents, and have dinner there.

That’s all about the arrangements. Thank you.

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