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50. A. in     B. out    C. hack    D. up50. A

51. A. warmly       B. excitedly

C. angrily        D. sadly  51. C

52. A. got           B. looked

C. turned         D. walked  52. D

53. A. forgot         B. wanted

C. happened      D. failed  53. C

54. A. the station     B. the office

C. Westchester    D. Manhattan    54. B

55. A. single  B. young   C. real    D. lonely    55. A




LONDON—Everyone can live longer by allowing themselves a little fun, according to research published last week.

Two independent scientific studies found that, regardless of (without thinking) background and conditions, everyone wants to have the same “pleasure amount”. How-ever, different groups of people get their pleasure in different ways.

Associates (person who has been Joined with others in work) for Research Into the Science of Enjoyment (ARISE) asked over 4000 people in eight countries to judge their level of enjoyment from 13 everyday activities including a glass of wine, a piece of choco-late, a cigarette, tea or coffee or watching television.

“There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that the increasing effect of these little pleasures and happy moments can make us all live longer.” said Profcssor David Warhur ton, the founder of ARISE.

People on law incomes get more fun of simple everyday pleasures such as eating a chocolate bar or watching television while those earning over US $100 000 a year prefer eating out as an enjoyment.

“No matter what anyone’s personal conditions, they can and should try to introduce as many ‘happy moments’ as possible into their lives,” Warburton said.

ARISE describes itself as an international group of scientists established in 1989 to create a better understanding of the benefits of pleasure.

56. From the second paragraph, we can get to know that ______. 56. A

A. pleasure exists everywhere

B. pleasure needs money

C. poor people are happier than the rich

D. rich people are happier than the poor

57. According to the professor’s conclusion, we can say that ________. 57. C

A. hobbies are very important to us

B. we can live without money

C. happy people live longer

D. great people live longer

58. The purpose of ARISE is to ________.58. B

A. find the secret of happiness

B. make people realise the value of pleasure

C. play a joke on the sad people

D. make poor people rich


The use of your safety belt is required by law. If your car is a 1968 or later model, it must have a safety belt in good working order. You and your passengers must wear a safety belt while the car is moving. If not, you or your passenger (age 16 or older) may be given a traffic ticket for nos wearing a safety belt.

In fact, a seat belt is requlred for each person who is age four or older and weighs o-ver 40 pounds. If a child is under four years of age, or over four years of age but under 40 pounds, the driver, parent, or legal guardian, if present, must put the child in an ap-proved safety seat.

Here are some additional tips for using a child safety seat:

1. The back seat is generally the safest place in the car for all the children 12 years of age or younger.

2. Babies up to 20 Ihs. And about age one should ride in a safety seat fastened to the back seat facing the back of the ear. Babies should not be placed forward or backward in the front passenger seat if’the vehicle (交通工具) has a passenger side air bag.

3. Children over 20 lbs. And about age one or older should ride fastened up in the back seat.

4. Make sure the vehicle’s seat belt is put through the correct slot (空位) in the safety seat. Incorrectly fastened safety seats defeat their purpose and can result in injury.

Safety belts can reduce injuries and deaths. Many studies and actual crash tests have proved this. Crash tests have also strengthtened the proper way for pregnant (怀孕) women to wear lap and shoulder belts. Wear the lap belt as low as possible under the ab-domen (下腹) and the shoulder strap between the breasts and to the side of the abdomen’s bulge (凸出).

If you wear only a lap belt when driving, your chances of living through an accident are twice as good as those of someone who isn’t. If you wear a lap and shoulder belt, your chances are three to four times better. You must wear both your lap and shoulder belt if the vehicle is equipped with both and if the vehicle is equipped with air bags.

59. At what age will a passenger begin to be fined without wearing a safety belt?  59. B

A. Four years old.

B. Sixteen years old.

C. When he was born.

D. When he is beyond 40 pounds.

60. How should we deal with a child’s safety in a car?  60. B

A. Let them sit in the front seat and it is the safest.

B. Let them sit at the back seat, wearing a safety belt.

C. When a child is 16 years old, he needn’t wear a safety belt.

D. Children over 20Ibs should sit on the legs of the driver while driving.

61. Which is safer for the pregnant women to sit in a ear?  61. C

A. Wear lap and leg belts.

B. Wear a lap belt around the breasts.

C. Wear the lap very lowly under the abdomen and wear a shoulder strap.

D. Let them sit in the front of the car and fasten a safety belt.

62. What is the suggestion given in the text?    62. A

A. Never forget to wear safety belts in a ear.

B. Try your hard to save yourself in an accident.

C. Never let the pregnant women to ride in a car.

D. Drive slowly and wear a lap belt as low as possible.


It was on one of the hottest August days, the fourth, and at twelve o’clock exactly, for a church clock was striking the hour, that a short, heavily built woman of about fif-ty, carrying a shopping hag, came out from the darkness of an old storehouse where she worked every morning as a checker, and set off along the narrow grey street to a bus stop. Most of the factories and offices iii the town were closed for two weeks but the storehouse, which held foodstuffs (食料,粮食) and other goods, had remained open during the holidays. The heat, made worse by the heavy smell of petrol from the main

street nearby and undisturbed by the slightest current (气流) of cooler air, surrounded her. She was neither dressed nor built for energetic activity on a hot day, being very short indeed, and fat, so that she had to roll a little in order to get along. Her shoes made loud footsteps in the silence of the empty street of closed buildings. The worn old bag she car- ried caused her to lean (倾斜) over slightly to her right as she walked, but it was clear that she was used to carrying such heavy weights.

Reaching her usual bus stop, she put down her bag and rested. Then, suddenly re alizing being watched, she turned quickly round and looked sharply upward at the tall man behind her.

He was the only other person waiting, and indeed, at that moment, the only other person in the street. She had never spoken to him, yet his face was already familiar to her. She had seen it yesterday, and the day befo, and for all she knew, the day before that as well. For the last three or four days anyway, this great nervous lump of a man, waiting for a bus or hanging about on the footpath outside the storehouse, had become a figure of the street for her; and what was more, a figure of a certain definite (一定的,明确的) type, though she had yet to put her finger on exactly which type it was. More than once, she had felt his interest in her and she had wondered whether he was a police-man.

63. There were so few people out in this particular street. It was probably mainly because _______.  63. B

A. most workers were on holiday

B. it was too hot to be outside at midday

C. the lunch-time break had not yet started

D. very few people lived in the area now

64. From the passage we can know ______.    64. C

A. the woman was fond of dressing up

B. something was wrong with the woman’s right leg

C. almost all the shops were closed except the storehouse

D. the woman had to walk fast as she was busy

65. The woman turned around at the bus stop because ________.    65. D

A. she heard someone coming

B. she thought the bus was coming

C. she thought of her heavy bag

D. she felt someone looking at her

66. The underlined phrase “hanging about” in the 3rd paragraph means ________.    66. B

A. thinking about         B. walking around

C. looking around          D. running about

67. The woman recognized the man by the bus-stop because ________.     67. C

A. he was the local policeman

B. he travelled on the bus quite regularly

C. be had been near the storehouse before

D. he was interested in her


Recently in the hope of earning both money and social experience, I became a door-trw door salesman.

I once read a saying. “If somebody wants something of yours, you will be treated as warmly as spring, but if they don’t you may be treated as coldly as winter.” You may consider this an exaggeration (夸张), but if you are a salesman, it is clearly correct.

You would never have found it to be so true if you hadn’t been a salesman. You needn’t stand doubtful looks and unfriendly comments; you needn’t listen to something completely wrong and nod to say that it was quite right, you needn’t worry about being refused time after time; you needn’t always keep patience and a smile; you needn’t repeat the same sentences over and over again; you needn’t talk to somebody you dislike ....

I did this work for a month, then I decided to give it up; Apart front the reasons a bore, I found I was paying too much attention to the job and thus sacrificing my study time. The latest test result proved that my grades were getting worse.

Even worse, I hadn’t enough time to join my classmates in college activities. Some times 1 felt lonely and unhappy because of both my study and my part-time job. Now I don’t think it is worth doing such a thing for even though I was earning money it came at great cost.

Ncwspapers and magazines often publish stories about excellent students who do part-time work while also keeping high scores in class. But according to my experience, park-time work can have some strong negative influences (负面影响) on study.

Most students don’t view the relationship between study and work correctly. In my opinion, if it isn’t a must for financial (财政的) reasons, students should be careful a-bout taking up a part-time job.

68. From the text, we can tell that the writer is _____.     68. C

A. an unemployed man

B. a middle-school student

C. a college student

D. a door-to-door salesman

69. What caused the writer to give up his part time job?  69. D

a. His grades were getting worse.

b. He did the job for a month.

c. He was once a salesman.

d. He often missed sortie college activities.

e. Sometimes he felt tired and unhappy.

A. b, candd           B. a, cande

C. a, bandd           D. a, dande

70. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “sacrificing”?  70. A

A. Losing        B. Wasting

C. Using         D. Getting

71. The writer thought_____.  71. C

A. doing a part-time job was unnecessary

B. part-time jobs had good effect upon study

C. it was hard to deal with the relationship between study and work

D. part-time jobs would be good for every college student

72. What would be the best title for the text _____.72. B

A. Part-time Jobs Are Useful

B. Part-time Jobs Can Cost Dear

C. Students Shouldn’t Take Part-time Jobs

D. Part-time Jobs Are Important to Many Students


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