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摘要:威廉希尔app 为大家带来2011高考英语模拟检测试题,希望大家喜欢下文!

第一卷 (三部分,共115分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What did the man do before lunch? 1. C

A. He swam with John.

B. He went away.     C. He played tennis.

2. How many countries has the wonlan been to so far?   2. B

A. Four.        B. Three.        C. Two.

3. When would Elvis and Susan like to leave?   3. B

A. Tomorrow.

B. Next Monday or Tuesday.

C. This Tuesday.

4. What does the woman mean?   4. A

A. She won’t go to the concert tonight.

B. She wants to go to the concert alone.

C. She doesn’t think the concert is interesting.

5. When does the bakery close?  5. C

A. At 7: 00.    B. At 6: 55.    C. At 7: 30.




6. Where does the conversation take place7   6. A

A. In a library.     B. In a bookstore.

C. On a sports field.

7. Why is the man not able to find thc book he necds?  7. A

A. It’s the first time he’s been to the library.

B. There’s only one reading room in the library.

C. He wants to refer to the book for some figures.

8. Where is the General Reading Room?   8. B

A. Beside the library building.

B. in a white house across the sports field.

C. Inside the library building.


9. Where does the man live?   9. A

A. 17 Maltett Street.

B. 70 Mallett Street.

C. 17 Marrett Street.

10. Which house is on fire?   10. B

A. Number 16.     B. Number 18.     C. Number 20.

11. Why is there nobody in the house on fire?   11. C

A. They went shopping.

B. They went to work.

C. Thy went abroad on holiday.


12. How can the man find bed and breakfast places?  12. A

A. By looking in the paper or walking around the streets and looking for signs.

B. By going to the city hall and signing his name in the office.

C. By looking for them in big hotels.

13. What should the visitors do to stay in youth hostels?  13. B

A. Call in advance.

B. Become members.

C. Work there for some time.


14. What is the relationship between the man and the woman?  14. C

A. Father and daughter.

B. Mother and son.

C. Husband and wife.

15. What did the man apologize for? 15. B

A. Being unable to come back early.

B. Having hurried away this morning.

C. Not having bought anything for the children.

16. Why did the man phone home? 16. C

A. One of the children was not feeling well.

B. The boys were not feeling well,

C. The mother and the boys were not feeling well.


17. Whom is the speaker complaining about?  17. B

A. Her father.   B. Her grandfather.

C. Her brother.

18. What was the man like when the speaker was small?  18. C

A. Kind but miserble.   B. Critical but kind.

C. Kind and cheerful.

19. What is the man always doing now? 19. C

A. Helping others.

B. Telling Jokes,

C. Complaining and criticizing.

20. How old is the speaker now?  20. B

A. Six.      B. Sixteen.    C. Fifteen.



21. After watching    TV, the girl played ______ piano for an hour. 21. D

A. /, /    B, the, the   C. the, /   D, /, the

22. ______cloth you’ve bought for my shirt!  22. D

A. How a nice    B. What a nice

C. How nice      D. What nice

23. The English problems were ______ difficult than we had expected! 23. B

A. many more   B. far more

C. much        D. more much

24. I learned to ______ a bicycle as a little boy. 24. A

A. ride   B. run    C. drive   D. operate

25. I can hardly imagine Smith ______ across the Atlantic Ocean in four days. 25. C

A. sail        B. to sail

C. sailing      D. to have sailed

26. ls this watch ______ you wish to have______?26. D

A. that repaired, it      B. which, it repaired

C. the one, it repaired    D. the one, repaired

27. Please give this package _____ comes for it. 27. A

A. to whoever     B. to whomever

C. to whom        D. whoever

28. —Many thanks to you, Han Mci.

—_______.  28. B

A. No thanks          B. It’s a pleasure

C. It doesn’t matter        D. Don’t say so

29. —Where are ______ shoes sold? 29. C

—In the new store.

A. men and child’s    B. men and children’s

C. men’s and children’s  D. men’s and child’s

30. I was busy then. Otherwise I ______ you in playing football. 30. A

A. would have joined      B. would join

C. had joined             D. joined

31. ______ new buildings were going up everywhere in our hometown.  31. A

A. At one time     B. At a time

C. At any time     D. In no time

32. She changed her skirt ______ a larger one.  32. C

A. from     B. with     C. for      D. by

33. Alice, ______ careful with your pronunciation. 33. D

A. is     B. do    C. does be    D. do be

34. Little Tom thinks of nothing but ______  TV every day.  34. B

A. watch       B. to watch

C. watching     D. to watching

35. The teacher told us ______ she had done was right.  35. B

A. what all         B. all that

C. that all what      D. what that



It was Monday morning. Cathy left home early that day because she was going to   36   ancw job in Manhattan. She was only 18 and this was hcr first   37   . When she got to the bus stop, shc saw so many people   38   there that she ahnost   39   a passing taxi. Later she was   40   that shc had waited for the bus because the traffic was so   41   that even a taxi would not have   42   much earlier. As it was, she was only a few minutes   43  !

She   44   the elevator (电梯) to thc cight   45   and went to the office. She had bccn intcrviewed (会见) by Mr Samson two weeks  46  . This was the man she was going to    47   for. She knocked the door lightly and waited, but tberc was no   48   Just then she heard the sound of a   49   voice coming from the next office. She opcncd the door and looked   50  . There was Mr Samson speaking  51  to all the other pcoplc in thc office, fie suddenly   52   around and left the room.

This morning, he   53   to catch an earlier train, and when lie arrived at   54   , not a   55   person was working. They were all standing around smoking and telling jokes.

36. A. find    B. start   C. finish    D. hunt  36. B

37. A. joh    B. chance   C. try    D. victory37. A

38. A. lying      B. standing

C. waiting    D. sitting38. C

39. A. called   B. missed   C. got   D. asked39. A

40. A. glad        B. sorry

C. surprised    D. disappointed40. A

41. A. hard    B. long    C. heavy   D. full41. C

42. A. returned     B. left

C. stopped     D. arrived  42. D

43. A. late    B. early    C. slow   D. fast  43. A

44. A. caught   B. made   C. took    D. rode44. C

45. A. ground  B. earth   C. floor   D. office45. C

46. A. after  B. before   C. later    D. earlier46. B

47. A. pay    B. work    C. beg     D. send4 7. B

48. A. sound     B. help

C. answer    D. noise    48. C

49. A. boy’s       B. girl’s

C. woman’s     D. man’s  49. D


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