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1. When will the woman visit the man’s class?

A. This evening.    B. Tomorrow.    C. Next Monday.

2. What is the man going to do?

A. Turn off the radio.   B. Talk to his neighbor.   C. Prepare for the test.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Plans for the weekend.  B. The Great Wall.   C. Shopping.

4. What is the woman doing?

A. She’s waiting for friends.  B. She’s listening to music.  C. She’s having a coffee.

5. What does the man mean?

A. John will come soon.   B. They won’t wait for John.  C. They will stay up all night.




6. Why is the man going to Hawaii?

A. To visit his cousin.   B. To attend a wedding.    C. To go fishing and swimming.

7. Where is the woman going this summer?

A. Egypt.     B. Italy.      C. Hawaii.


8. What is wrong with Kathy?

A. She is upset because she failed the exam.

B. She is worried about her classmate Don.

C. She can’t get on well with her father.

9. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Mid-term exam.    B. School education.   C. Pressure from parents.


10. What is the woman worried about?

A. She can’t get a college degree.

B. She has to live with her parents.

C. She may not find a job after college.

11. What do we learn about the man’s company?

A. The sales have risen rapidly.

B. The business is improving gradually.

C. The company is having its hardest time.

12. What will the woman probably do after her graduation?

A. She will join the man’s company.

B. She will start her own business.

C. She will work as a salesgirl.


13. Which of the following courses is free?

A. Physical Fitness.  B. Gymnastics.  C. Music and Movement.

14. What is the purpose of the courses?

A. To keep students healthy and happy.

B. To help students get used to college life.

C. To provide students with learning guidance.

15. What is the speaker doing?

A. Welcoming the freshmen.

B. Introducing the academic programs.

C. Advertising the training programs.




Name:              Steve Robinson

Nationality:             16

Type of room:        a    17   room

Date of arrival:       20th    18

Passport number:        19

Special request:      prefer a    20    room


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)?


21. I usually have ________ hamburger while waiting for ________7: 00 school bus.

A. the; a       B. 不填; the       C. a; the        D. 不填; a

22. The two runners are neck and neck; _______ of them could win the race.

A. either   B. neither   C. all    D. none

23. I ________ be a little bit slow, but at least I don’t make stupid mistakes.

A. should  B. may          C. must           D. need

24. ______ well, you need to have a good sense of balance.

A. Danced    B. To dance        C. Dance         D. Dancing

25. ---Have you seen Jane this week?

---No, but I ________ her call on my way to work this morning.

A. received  B. have received  C. had received  D. was receiving

26. With the rise of modern communication tools, handwritten letters ______ by emails.

A. will replace  B. have replaced   C. are replaced    D. are being replaced

27. Cherry was afraid she wouldn’t fit in at her new school, ______ she made friends quickly.

A. for   B. so          C. and         D. but

28. The man put out the cigarette when _______ that smoking was not allowed on the train.

A. reminding  B. reminded      C. to remind     D. being reminded

29. I’m not satisfied with my study, so recently I ______ a talk with my teacher.

A. have   B. had        C. am having      D. would have

30. _______ we have planned ahead might change when we put it into practice.

A. Whatever  B. Whenever       C. Whoever      D. However

31. --- Alice looks sad. Did you tell her about her brother’s accident?

--- Sorry, I ________ her just before her final exams.

A. can’t tell      B. mustn’t have told

C. needn’t tell      D. shouldn’t have told

32. Brian talks to me like a child, _______ really annoys me.

A. who   B. whom   C. which   D. where

33. ________ along the Silk Road led to world-wide business 2,000 years ago.

A. Trading  B. To trade        C. Traded        D. Having traded

34. If George had followed his father’s advice, he ________ a lawyer now.

A. is      B. would be       C. has been    D. would have been

35. I wondered ______ they had raised so much money on their own to help youngsters in need.

A. what   B. that    C. how    D. why

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)?


I was nineteen years old the first time I saw my own true character.

My trip to and from work each day included a ten-minute walk through the heart of downtown, where the   36   often gathered. Like most busy citizens, I learned to   37   those nameless faces. When it came to homeless beggars, my   38   life experience had led me to one   39   that they are on the street because they choose to be, probably due to alcohol or drugs.

It was an extremely cold day. When I passed the groups of beggars as usual, I heard a shaky voice target me.

“Spare some change?” he asked.

I didn’t even   40   looking up at his nameless face. I briefly   41   him walking into a liquor store and buying whiskey with the money we spared him. Like most teenagers, it took me only moments to    42   him.

“I have no money on me,” I said quickly

Looking back now, I feel as if God had set out that day to teach me a lesson. And God   43  . Just a few feet past him, I managed to find the only ice patch on the sidewalk. I   44   and landed heavily on my right knee. The   45   was almost killing me as I tried to get up. Then I heard a shaky voice only inches above me.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

I knew immediately this was the man I had just rushed past. Even in pain, I   46   took a quick moment to sniff for the smell of alcohol on his breath. There was none. He wasn’t   47  . I saw the   48   in his eyes.

I   49   to get to my feet. He held my arm as I walked difficultly to the nearby bus stop.

“My name is Mike,” he said. “That’s quite a fall you took, and you really need to get it checked by a doctor,” he said with deep   50  .

“This bus goes past the hospital,” I said.

Mike paused, and a look of sudden   51   crossed his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cup. He took out all the change and held it out toward me.

“I think there’s just enough here for you to take the bus,” he said,

I was highly embarrassed as I remember my   52  . I reached for my purse and took out my change. At least ten dollars. I offered Mike all my change.

“Thank you and take care of yourself,” I said. Both of us knew that few minutes earlier I couldn’t have   53   what happened to him.

Mike held his cup tightly,   54   it as if it were the first gift he had ever received.

A half cup of change seemed too small a gift for the man who gave a   55   to every nameless face I’ve ever seen.

36. A. doctors B. beggars C. citizens D. sellers

37. A. pity B. observe C. forgive D. ignore

38. A. limited B. painful C. meaningful D. rich

39. A. fact B. rule C. assumption D. suggestion

40. A. mind B. bother C. avoid D. bear

41. A. imagined B. followed C. noticed D. heard

42. A. judge B. stop C. tease D. blame

43. A. signed B. succeeded C. responded D. approached

44. A. skipped B. dashed C. slipped D. hesitated

45. A. regret B. scare C. cold D. pain

46. A. still B. ever C. yet D. also

47. A. honest B. reliable C. drunk D. shabby

48. A. greed  B. surprise C. sorrow D. sympathy

49. A. failed B. struggled C. hurried D. chose

50. A. relief B. satisfaction C. understanding D. concern

51. A. confusion B. realization C. excitement D. sadness

52. A. lie B. injury C. promise D. experience

53. A. known B. predicted C. cared D. accepted

54. A. treasuring B. protecting C. making D. showing

55. A. lesson B. name C. chance D. fortune





Clyde, a small-clawed otter, was moved from Auckland Zoo to Wellington Zoo two months ago. The zookeepers hoped he and the other otter Bonnie might start a family together.

But only two days after he arrived, Clyde went missing. He had dug his way under one of the walls and was nowhere to be seen.

The zookeepers set up cages inside the zoo, with plates of Clyde’s favorite fish in them, hoping to catch him.

Two days went by and still there was no sign of Clyde.

At last a couple saw Clyde at their house --- a whole kilometer away in Newtown. Clyde was hiding in an out-of-reach hole outside their laundry.

The zookeepers arrived and set up some more traps to try to catch him. But Clyde is a pretty smart otter. Twice he managed to get the fish out of a trap without being caught.

Five days after he’d escaped, Clyde’s days on the run came to an end when he was finally caught in one of the traps.

It was no good putting Clyde back in his old home---he’d only dig his way out again. So he and Bonnie were put into the zoo hospital. There was no chance of their escaping from there.

Meanwhile, the zookeepers were working hard to make Clyde’s old home safer. They put an iron barrier underground to stop him digging their way out. Then Bonnie and Clyde went home again.

But a month after his first escape, Clyde was out again. Once more the zookeepers came

hurrying to catch Clyde. They found him by following the bubbles he made in the river nearby.

Nobody knew how Clyde had escaped. But this time he was only out for an hour. So---back he went to the hospital again.

Poor Clyde. It seemed that he wasn’t happy at Wellington Zoo, even though he and Bonnie were getting on well together. The keepers didn’t like seeing him unhappy, so they planned to look for a home for him somewhere else.

56. Where was Clyde found after his first escape?

A. Back in Auckland Zoo.      B. In a river nearby.

C. At a house a kilometer away.    D. In the zoo hospital.

57. How did zookeepers catch Clyde after his second escape?

A. They set up cages in the zoo.

B. They attracted Clyde with fish.

C. They dug a hole outside his home.

D. They followed the bubbles in the water.

58. What do we know about Clyde?

A. He often gets ill.

B. He is good at digging.

C. He likes hiding in a hole.

D. He escaped to meet Bonnie.

59. Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?

A. A news report.     B. An advertisement.

C. A book review.     D. A research paper.


Beat the Burglar

Don’t invite crime---take basic, sensible precautions. Your house and possession are valuable and must be properly protected. When you buy a lock, you buy time. The best prevention is delay and noise which could mean discovery.

When you leave it---lock it!

First of all, fit security locks to all doors and windows and a safety chain on the front door. Secondly, use them!

If you have any ladders or tools, don’t leave them lying about in the garden, lock them away.

“Safe” or “secret” places for keys and valuables are not reliable --- nine times out of ten, they are the first place a thief will look. When you move house…

When you move into a new home even if it is fitted with security locks, change them. You don’t know who else may have keys.

Never let strangers into your house. An official-looking cap is not enough, ask for proof of identity and look at it carefully --- if you are still not satisfied, don’t let the person in.

Valuables need special protection

Valuables should really be given special protection --- preferably by leaving them with your bank. A small security safe works too, but not to the most determined burglar. It is also important to keep an up-to-date list of valuables and their descriptions. In the case of fine art, paintings, or jewelry, color photographs can sometimes be of assistance to the police if you are unfortunate enough to have them stolen. Enter the details on the back of the pictures. But don’t keep such documents in your house, keep them at the bank or with your insurance company. Going on holiday?

Don’t talk about your holidays and future plans loudly in public. Do remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and also to draw curtains back.

Operate a “Good Neighbor” program to ensure that mail is taken in, the house is checked regularly and that lights are put on.

Call at your local police station and tell them you are going away. Make sure that they know how to contact you in case of trouble.

Don’t leave cash or valuables in the house --- take them with you or put them in the bank.

60. When moving into a new house, you are supposed to __________.

A. buy a safe     B. change the locks

C. visit your neighbors   D. stay away from strangers

61. Which is the safest way to protect your valuables?

A. Taking pictures of your valuables.

B. Putting your valuables in your safe.

C. Keeping your valuables at the bank.

D. Giving a list of your valuables to the police.

62. When you are away for holidays, you __________.

A. should cancel your mail

B. shouldn’t leave your keys to your neighbors

C. shouldn’t make it known that your home is empty

D. should ask the police to check your house regularly


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