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"Mama! Mama!" My 2-year-old son yells at his most excited, I-just-discovered-something -huge voice when we are eating a delicious hot curry with steamed rice at our dinner table.

"Look, a tree!" He yells again.I turn to find him holding up a piece of broccoli (西兰花) for us to see."Oh honey," I laugh and begin to protest, "That is bro..." But I stop.

As my son grows up, I find myself struggling not lo turn into the worst kind of teacher -the kind who overcorrects.

I have to learn to fight against my strong adult need to jump in and say, "No.that is not right." in the name of promoting knowledge.Unless I think his incorrect concept puts him in the way of harm, I have no desire to fix it.

Instead, I want to encourage my son's colorful sense of the world, in which stuffed (毛绒的) animals attend story times, flies are fascinating creatures, and red balloons share secrets.

At our dinner table, I study the face of my child who is eagerly waiting for confirmation.He is smiling.His cheeks are a little flushed with excitement.

Instead of taking the opportunity to teach him a new vegetable name.I say, "Wow, look!" pointing at his plate, "You have many trees in your rice!"

He laughs happily, his lovely face redder.

"So, how many trees can you eat?" I ask him, breaking in with another strong parenting desire I have: forming healthy eating habits.

He playfully puts one after another into his mouth, delighled by the possibility of pulling out the little trees that grow in his rice and eating them right off his plate.

56.Why does the writer decide to ignore her son's false idea of things?

A.She doesn't think it will harm her son.

B.She doesn't want to promote knowledge.

C.She wants to be a good teacher.

D.She wants her son to be happy.

57.The underlined word "flushed' in Paragraph 6 can be replaced by ____.

A.pale B.red C.green D.white

58.In the writer's opinion- parents should_____.

A.allow their children to sense the world and make mistakes

B.do nothing to fix the mistakes made by their children

C.teach their children what they know about the world

D.correct all of the mistakes made by their children


Daily Telegraph - An enormous number of sardines (沙丁鱼) have been photographed as they swam in the formation of a dolphin (海豚).Steve De Neef photographed the fish near Cebu in the Philippines grouping together to protect themselves from larger animals.He said: "Getting the picture of the dolphin shape was just about being in the right spot at the right time, but it would be to their benefit if they could imitate (模仿) a larger animal."

Daily Mail - Black garlic - a sweet variety of the popular cooking ingredient that doesn't leave you with bad breath - is getting ready to hit the UK supermarket shelves.Black garlic tastes much sweeter than traditional garlic and enjoys twice the amount of anti-oxidants (抗氧化剂) and can last twice as long on the shelf.

BBC - Researchers in the United States have developed the first wirelessly controlled device (装置) that can supply a drug directly into the body.A small chip is implanted under the skin.It contains the medicine, which it releases at programmed times.The developers say the device could improve the lives of millions of people who take medicine for long-term illnesses and may one day free patients from having to remember to take their medicine, or give themselves injections.

VOA - Global warming could make humans shorter, warn scientists who claim to have found evidence that it caused the world's first horses to shrink nearly 50 million years ago.As temperatures went up their size went down, and vice versa (反之亦然); at one point they were as small as a house cat.The scientists say that the current warming could have the same effect on mammals, and even humans.

59.What information can we obtain from Steve De Neef's words?

A.The sardines swim together to protect themselves from dolphins.

B.The sardines will be in safety when meeting a larger animal.

C.He took this rare picture of sardines probably by accident.

D.It's easy to get the picture of the dolphin shape.

60.In comparison with traditional garlic, black garlic _____.

A.will leave you much stronger breath

B.is more popular in the UK supermarket

C.can be kept fresh for a much longer time

D.contains the same amount of anti-oxidants







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