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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Sometimes giving someone a helping hand is just simple.But sometimes it works like a 36 that opens a door to a whole new world of understanding.

Living in a small all-white 37 in the Midwest, my family and I were 38 that we were safe from the race riots (暴乱) in some larger cities.That 39 when I began working at a bank in a larger city nearby.My family 40 gave me advice on whom to avoid, what situation to stay away, and how to 41 myself.

On a snowy 42 after work, I guided my second-hand car out onto the street and knew 43 I didn't have to stop, it would keep running.The battery needed replacing.

However, as I expected the car choked and died at a red light.Fortunately, to my 44 ,I saw a pair of headlights coming up.But 45 three young black men jumped out of the car, I could hardly 46 - fear filled me.

The driver came to my windows and asked if I needed help.I 47 for a moment and then nodded.The fellows crowded around at once and 43__ working.As one of them connected the two engines by cables, my nerve (神经) jumped with so much electricity I think I could have charged the 49 and brought it back to life.But thankfully they 50 completed the project.

I pulled out a few 51 from the purse, "It's all I have but it's yours, I appreciate the help.Thank you."

The driver must have seen the 52 still in my eyes because he smiled, seeming to be 53 by my panic, and then waved his hand, "You 54 it.Just glad to help."

This experience taught me that I should never simply 55 anyone according to their skin color or race or wealth.

36.A.push B.key C.car D.handle

37.A.house B.dry C.country D.company

38.A.grateful B.curious C.upset D.hopeful

39.A.crashed B.improved C.settled D.changed

40.A.cautiously B.approximately C.nervously D.fluently

41.A.distinguish B.defend C.behave D.express

42.A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.evening

43.A.even if B.in case C.as long as D.now that

44.A.relief B.regret C.content D.belief

45.A.because B.if C.although D.when

46.A.breathe B.speak C.drive D.survive

47.A.calculated B.choked C.hesitated D.screamed

48.A.set about B.set down C.set aside D.set up

49.A.engine B.battery C.headlight D.cable

50.A.slowly B.briefly C.gradually D.quickly

51.A.dollars B.tickets C.cards D.pictures

52.A.interest B.confuse C.fear D.shock

53.A.amused B.frightened C.thrilled D.disappointed

54.A.make B.keep C.spend D.earn

55.A.judge B.trust C.attack D.dislike







威廉希尔app 高考试频道  



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