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第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)



21.—Thanks ever so much for your help? I really appreciate it.

— .

A.Got it B.That's right C.With pleasure D.Don't mention it

22.You can't complain of being lonely ___ you don't make any effort to meet people.

A.where B.while C.when D.what

23.___ the biggest challenge of its career, the Beijing-based company is now seeking more support from local banks.

A.Faced B.Facing C.To face D.Having faced

24.You know that little Italian restaurant ?—___ I mentioned in my email?

A.one B.it C.that D.the one

25.We are looking for a person who has ___ experience in advertising.

A.relevant B.random C.reliable D.regular

26.This research has just been cancelled, ___ I said earlier.

A.which B.as C.when D.that

27.As people ___ more wealth, they lend to spend a greater share of their incomes.

A.adopt B.attach C.accomplish D.accumulate

28.Sometimes you just have lo Learn to ___ the things that you can't change.

A.run out of B.get rid of C.let go of D.make fun of

29.If anything ___,he would have let her know.

A.has happened B.had happened

C.happened D.should happen

30.The farmer turned his family home into a guest house for hikers, only ___ by the government for safety reasons.

A.to be closed B.being closed

C.having closed D.to close

31.One of the Hollywood's top male comedy stars we___ will perform toniyhl.

A.have longed to see B.were longing to see

C.had longed to see D.longed to see

32.I ___ give you details because 1 don't actually have any details at the moment.

A.shouldn't B.mustn't C.can't D.may not

33.—Is Eliza still living in New York?

—No, she ___ there for only ten years.Now she has moved to Wisconsin.

A.lived B.has lived C.had lived D.has been living

34.For the people of Japan ___ year is too short to lessen ___ pain and suffering of the nuclear disaster.

A.the; 不填 B.a: the C.a; 不填 D.the; a

35.It matters a great deal to Roberta ___ other people think of her.

A.when B.how C.where D.what







威廉希尔app 高考试频道  



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