Text 6
M: When are you off then?
W: I’m leaving on Sunday night.
M: What’s your schedule?
W: I arrive in Wellington on Monday, attend a conference there on Tuesday and leave for Brisbane early Wednesday morning.
M: How long will you stay there?
W: I’ll see our new agent Mr. Green there on Thursday. I’m free on Friday, but I’m catching the 10
o’clock plane on Saturday to go to the fair in Sydney.
M: You’ve got a full schedule.
Text 7
M: Hello?
W: Hello. Is that Mr. Jackson?
M: Yes, it is.
W: Mr. Jackson. I am a reporter from the TV station at our school. As far as I know, you are a very successful teacher, and all the students like you, so I want to ask you some questions about it.
M: OK.
W: Do you often give homework to your students after class?
M: It depends. Maybe once or twice a week.
W: Do you think it is good for your students to do a lot of homework?
M: No, I don’t think so. Too much homework takes too much of their free time. I seldom give homework to my students on the weekend.
W: Do you agree the students need a lot of exercise in their spare time?
M: Well, yes… but they also need time to relax and have a rest, especially on weekends.
W: You are a great teacher. By the way, what do you do in your free time?
M: I’m a good football player. My team won the first place in our city last year.
W: Congratulations! Well, thank you for your help.
Text 8
M: What’s your favorite kind of music, Mary? Do you like pop music?
W: I like almost all kinds of music. But I like country music best.
M: There was a concert of country music last week.
W: I wish I had been there!
M: Do you often go to the movies?
W: Not often but occasionally.
M: It will do you good to go out for entertainment at weekends. What kind of movie do you like best?
W: It’s hard to say. Generally speaking, I like interesting and significant ones.
M: Shall we go downtown for a movie this Friday evening?
W: Very good. What’s on?
M: I’m not sure. Let me give a call to find out.
Text 9
M: Excuse me.
W: Yes?
M: I’m looking for a flat to live in for a year or so. Can you help me?
W: Sure. We have a flat with two rooms for $150 a month.
M: I’m afraid that’s too expensive for me.
W: Well, there is another flat for only $100 on the fourth floor, the top floor. It also has two rooms, but smaller. And many people want to have it. I could let you have a look at it first.
M: Oh, well, thank you.
W: I know people like you are clean and quiet.
M: You mean you will let me rent the flat?
W: That’s the idea. But you’d better pay some of the rent first.
M: How much do you want?
W: How about $50?
M: I just can’t afford that.
W: Well, let’s have a look at the flat. If you like it, I’ll let you have it for $30 first, OK?
M: OK.
Text 10
Today I’d like to talk about some of the problems that students face when they study English—if English is not their mother tongue. The purpose is to show that by analyzing them perhaps it’ll be possible to suggest how some of them may be overcome.
Most students will have learnt English at school, so they’ll have studied mostly in their own language. In other words, they’ll have had little everyday opportunity to practise using English.
When foreign learners first have the opportunity to speak to an English-speaking person, they may have a shock: they often have great difficulty in understanding!
Firstly, it seems to students that English people speak very quickly. Secondly, they speak with a variety of accents. Thirdly, different styles of speech are used in different situations. For all of these reasons students will have difficulty, mainly because they lack practice in listening to English people speaking English.
What can a student do then to overcome the difficulties? Well, obviously, he can benefit from a language laboratory. He should also listen to programmes in English on the radio and TV. Perhaps most important of all, he should take every available opportunity to meet and speak with native English-speaking people.
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