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1.-It’s said that scientists have made _____ big breakthrough in the cancer treatment.

-If so, many people can have been brought back to ____ life!

. a; / B. /; a C. the; the D. a; the

1.【解析】选A。考查冠词。make a breakthrough “突破,取得突破性成就”;come back to life“复活,活跃起来”。都是固定短语,所以选A。

2.Tom went to open the door. ______ his father began to wash dishes.

A. However B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile

2.【解析】选D。句意:汤姆去开门,在此期间,他爸爸开始洗碗。meanwhile “在此期间,与此同时”,选D。

3. After walking in the Shanghai World Expo for a whole day, my legs _________ under me and I couldn’t walk any farther.

. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave away

3.【解析】选B。give out “用尽,筋疲力尽;发表,公布;分发”;句意为:在上海世博园里走了一整天,我的腿筋疲力尽,不能再走了。give up“放弃,中止”; give in“屈服,让步”;give away“赠送,免费给予”。

4.All the senior schools in Shandong make __________ a rule to have free Saturdays and Sundays.

. this B. that C. it D. them

4.【解析】选C。考查代词。it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to have free Saturdays and Sundays。只有it可以作形式宾语。

5.East of our school ____ that make electric motorbikes.

A. are two companies B. is two companies C. two companies is D. two companies are

5.【解析】选 。考查倒装和主谓一致。表示地点的短语east of our school用于句首,句子要倒装,主语是two companies,因此谓语要用are。

6. When I wanted to express my thanks to him,words _____ me. I just held his hands firmly and choked.

A. left B. fled C. forgot D. escaped

6.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。escape意为“被遗忘;脱离”,符合句意“当我想对他表示感谢时,我一句话都说不出来,只是紧紧地抓着他的手,哽咽着”。leave 表示离开,不表示遗忘;flee“逃跑”;forget表示人遗忘了某事。

7.Many experts stick to the view _____ teacher development is the key to the education quality.


. which B. what C. that D. where



8.Nuclear ______ be really dangerous at times even though it’s a nice energy in general.


. shall B. should C. can D. must


8.【解析】选C。考查情态动词。shall用作情态动词, 用于一、三人称的疑问句中, 常表征求对方的意见;用于二三人称的陈述句中, 表承诺、命令、威胁、警告等。should用作情态动词, 常表应该、应当、居然之意;must用作情态动词, 表必须。can用作情态动词, 常表能力, 用于肯定句中; 如表猜测, 常用在否定句及疑问句中; can还可表“有时会……”。依据句中的at times可知, 句意为:核能有时会真的很危险。

9.Mary is always ready to do some _____ work at the local geracomium(敬老院)in her spare time.


. responsible B. exhausting C. voluntary D. professional


9.【解析】选C。句意为:玛丽总是乐意在业余时间到当地的敬老院做些志愿工作。voluntary“志愿的;无偿的;自愿的”;符合句意。responsible“有责任的;负责的”; exhausting“令人筋疲力尽的;使人疲惫不堪的”; professional“专业的”。

10.— That’s the third time he’s won the award in this field.

— Yes. He ______ his maximum potential in the past decade.

. explored B. is exploring

C. has been exploring D. has explored

10.【解析】选C。考查时态。从语意知“过去十年来他一直都在发掘他最大的潜能”,另外,从“in the past decade"可知应该用现在完成时,同时此处强调十年来他一直保有的状态”,所以选择用现在完成进行时,故选C。

11.The company promised to pay some money for the customers ________ their shoddy(伪劣的)goods and ______ an apology in public.


. purchasing; making B. purchasing; make C. purchased; to make D. to purchase; made


11.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。customers和purchase是主谓关系, make an apology 和pay some money是并列关系,作promise的宾语, 故选B。

12.Man must keep in mind that it will be years ______ the earth recovers from the damage he makes to it.

A. when B. before C. since D. until

12.【解析】选B。考查状语从句。before“在……之前;到……才;来不及”;根据句意“人类必须牢记要很多年地球才会从人们给它的损害中恢复”可知,选B。until表示“直到……才……”时,谓语动作到那时会结束。而“it will be+时间段+before”表示“要多久才会……”,符合句意。

13.The psychologists were sent to giv e _____ and help to the people in the earthquake-hit area.

A. preparation B. command C. practice D. comfort





威廉希尔app 高考试频道 2012年高考在线模拟考试


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