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摘要内容    名词是词类的一种,属于实词,名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称,名词同时也分为专有名词和普通名词。下面是2017届高考英语一轮复习名词专题练习,一起来做题吧!


1.It was dark and he had already lost his ________ of direction.

答案与解析 sense 句意:天黑了,他早已失去了方向感。sense of direction“方向感”。

2.In the past few years Lucy has formed the habit of keeping a supply of candles in the house in case of power ________.

答案与解析 failure 句意:在过去的几年里,露西养成了在家里备些蜡烛以防停电的习惯。power常常和failure连用,指“停电”。

3.It is amazing that we have a perfect ________ of the city on top of the tower.

答案与解析 view 从后面的on top of the tower可知,这里指从塔顶上看到的优美的风景,故填view。 view强调从远处或者高处看到的风景。

4.Little John hardly got anything in ________ for his kind act, which made him unhappy.

答案与解析 reward 句意:小约翰对于自己的善行几乎没得到什么回报,因此他很不高兴。根据后面的for his kind act可知填写reward,意为“回报,报酬”。

5.The factories are staying open all weekend to try to meet the customers' ________ for this product.

答案与解析 demand 句意:这些工厂周末都在开工,以满足顾客对该产品的需求。meet one's demand for sth.“满足某人对某物的需求”。

6. Students are advised to keep the list of books near the desk for easy ________.

答案与解析 reference 句意:学生们得到的建议是把书单放在课桌边,以便参考。for reference“供参考”。

7.Before we end this program, let's take a ________ at the sports news briefly.

答案与解析 glance 句意:我们结束这个节目之前,让我们简要浏览一下体育新闻。从后面的briefly可知填写glance,take a glance at sth.“对某物瞥一眼”。

8.According to a UN report,one third of the world population have no ________ to clean drinking water and health care.

答案与解析 access 句意:根据联合国的报告,世界三分之一的人口喝不到干净的饮用水,得不到好的医疗保健。have access to“得到,有权进入”。

9.—Did you finish reading that long novel?

—No,I ran out of ________. It's too long and I only completed half of it.

答案与解析 patience 句意:——你读完那部长篇小说了吗?——没有,我都没有耐心了。太长了,我只读完了一半。patience“耐心”。

10.Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a ________ of exercise.

答案与解析 lack 句意:健康问题与不好的饮食习惯以及缺乏锻炼有密切的联系。根据常识可知,缺乏锻炼会导致健康问题。lack“缺少;缺乏”。

11.To protect the environment, the local government has put up a lot of ________ to warn the citizens not to litter the ground.

答案与解析 signs 句意:为了保护环境,当地政府竖起了很多警示牌提醒市民不要乱扔垃圾。sign“标记,标牌”。

12.After about one hour of the play between China and South Korea, the ________ was 3­2 in our favour.

答案与解析 score 句意:中国队和韩国队打了大约一个小时之后,比分是3:2,我们领先。从后面的3­2 in our favour可知,这里指的是比分,因此填score。




—Mike,you don't seem to be quite ________ today.

—Well,I hardly slept last night.I was preparing for a ________.

答案 yourself; report



—Have you got any ________ for the summer vacation?

—Yes.I'm going to a peaceful place, especially ________ suitable for ________.

答案 idea; one; relaxation


As far as I know,he never breaks his ________;you can rely on ________ that he'll come to meet ________ on time.

答案 word/promise; it; you


________ of the ________ appear to be the ________ that you have done,but after taking ________ second look,you will find that they are different.

答案 Some; exercises; ones; a


I don't think the experiment ________ failure.At least,we have gained ________ for future success.

答案 a; experience


答案 Our village consists of no more than 200 families.


答案 Knowledge is power.


答案 We usually don't have classes on Sundays.


答案 It is a waste of time reading such a novel.


答案 They have smoothed away the difficulties.


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