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高中英语是中国对英语教育阶段的一个部分组成。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高考试题预测,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。




1. What does the man think of David's car?

A. It’s too expensive.     B. It's really cheap.    C. It's rather old.

2. When did the woman go shopping?

A. Before sleeping.         B. After taking a walk.   C. After dinner.

3. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The man's car hit a truck.   B. The man is badly injured.   C. The car can still work well.

4. How does Peter feel about the results of the test?

A. Worried.      B. Disappointed.    C. Satisfied.

5. Where are the two speakers most probably?

A. In a taxi.                    B. On a bus.     C. On a plane.




6. Where are the two speakers talking most probably?

A. In a market                B. In a company.    C. In a cafe.

7. What can we learn about the woman?

A. She doesn't like her job.   B. She wants to work separately. C. She will be the manufacturer.

听第7段材料,回答第 8至10题。

8. Where are the speakers?

A. At a meeting.             B. At a party.     C. At an interview.

9. Whom did the man first mention?

A. Paul.                     B. Mike.      C. Kathy.

10. What will the woman do next?

A. Drink wine herself.    B. Go to the hotel.    C. Meet new friends.


11. What is the man waiting for?

A. A computer.               B. A product list.    C. A message.

12. When will the man get the fax?      w ww.

A. At about 2:30 pm.    B. At about 3:30 pm.         C. At about 4:30 pm.

13. What is their after-sale service?

A. Free repair within 12 months.  B. Free repair within 18 months. C. Free repair within 24 months.


14. What are they talking about? 新课 标 第 一网

A. Working on a paper.    B. Writing a book.    C. Preparing speech.

15. When will the woman turn in her speech topic?

A. Next Tuesday.       B. Next Thursday.    C. This Thursday.

16. What does the man advise the woman to do next?

A. To select a specific topic.  B. To do some research.   C. To write out an outline.


17. Why did the British government set up the committee?

A. To teach pupils English.   B. To promote standard English.

C. To help pupils express themselves.

18. Where is standard English usually used?

A. At home.           B. At school.       C. In shops.

19. Which is TRUE about the study?

A. Many pupils talk less in class. B. Many pupils dislike learning.

C. Few pupils like standard English.

20. What do we know about the members of the government committee?

A. They are all language experts. B. They are widely respected.  C. They are from many fields.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单选填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


21. — Sir, you are fined for speeding. Please sign here.

— Fined? Speeding? ______

A. Are you all right?   B. You can't be serious! C. I'm a foreigner.    D. It doesn't matter.

22. _____is recommended that cars     carefully every morning to ensure safety.

A. This; must check     B. This; should check

C. It; be checked D. It; are checked

23. The school had promised to keep parents fully _____ about the conditions of their children at school.

A. inform       B. informing   C. informed    D. being informed

24. The food is to the blood    reading is to the mind.

A. where       B. which       C. that     D. what

25, At first, the car was ahead but ______ halfway because there was something wrong with it.

A. dropped off   B. dropped back   C. dropped down    D. dropped in

26.  Appointed as ____ambassador to the UN, he was determined to serve his country____ heart and soul.

A. an, the       B. the; a     C. the; the   D. /; /

27. — Expect everything to go wrong in advance, ________ you may feel quite so bad when it does.

— I can't agree more .

A. as if      B. and        C. or      D. so that

28. Don't leave your shopping on the back seat of your car — it's an open to a thief.

A. invitation     B. access       C. approach      D. excuse

29. — Let's give up. It's too late. I don't think any bus will come.

— I don't care.  I'll get there ________ I have to walk all the way.

A. even if    B. as if        C. so that        D. now that

30. Under the new schedule, teachers of primary and secondary schools must _____each class on time,

instead of adding extra lessons.

A. cancel       B. violate       C. postpone      D. dismiss

31. I send you my revised catalogue and price list, ________ you may find something that suits you.

A. to hope       B. hoping    C. hoped      D. hope

32. — Why do you do volunteer work in the North—West?

— I_____ to improve the lives of the children there through my efforts.

A. was trying     B. have tried      C. am trying   D. tried

33. Some passers—by witnessed the car accident____ five passengers were killed, a baby included.

A. in which      B. which     C. that        D. in that

34. Many of the English programs, _____ Follow Me and Follow Me to Science, were well received at that


A. that is      B. as for    C. such as       D. according to

35. — Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?

—________. I do. I think it's a great idea.

A. Really       B. Hopefully     C. Actually      D. Commonly

第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I've heard the phrase “all bosses are mean” several times throughout my life. But that is not how I 36 about my present boss. My mother and I work in the 37 plant together. She's been there nearly twenty years, but I’ve been there for only 38 than ten years. It was in 1990, my senior year in high school, 39 I realized what kind of man this boss was.

My grandmother, my mom's mother,  40 away on the morning of February 19, 1990.  41 , everyone in the family 42 a day's work or school that day. My mother was unable to work that week. Before the following Monday, my 43 boss, called and gave his condolences (哀悼) , and   44 my mother not to worry about her work. She could take as many weeks 45 as she needed. He would still 46 her, and her job would be 47 .He sent flowers, and he also had some 48 sent to our home.

I 49 some time in looking more closely at what this man did, That year he paid her for five weeks of 50 time, three weeks for my grandmother’s death, and two weeks for normal 51 . He was kind to send flowers and food. From this I grow a deep 52 for this man. He did the extra that was not asked of him, 53 expected. So when I hear that 54 “all bosses are mean”, I just smile and 55 “Not my boss. ”

36. A. feel        B. complain     C. suppose       D. recall

37. A. different     B. modern       C. same         D. private

38. A. less        B. more         C. later          D. earlier

39. A. where      B. which        C. when         D. that

40. A. put        B. turned        C. passed        D. died

41. A. By the way    B. For example     C. In all             D. Of course

42. A. missed      B. avoided       C. started        D. finished

43. A. mean       B. former       C. present       D. gentle

44. A. ordered      B. forced        C. invited        D. told

45, A. down       B. off          C. away        D. out

46. A. pay        B. accept        C. allow        D. employ

47. A. removing    B, remaining     C. waiting       D. keeping

48. A. projects     B. employees    C. salaries       D. food

49. A. spent       B. took         C. spared        D. cost

50. A. personal     B. terrible       C. pleasant      D. worrying

51. A. work       B. travel        C. amusement     D. vacation

52. A. concern     B. attention      C. respect       D. praise

53. A. or         B. and          C. but          D. nor

54. A. text        B. phrase       C. opinion       D. word

55. A. say        B. speak        C. argue        D. admit


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