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1. What happened to Lily?

A. She broke her legs last week.

B. She broke her arm last week.

C. She lost her alarm clock last week.

2. How does the man arrive there?

A. By Bicycle.             B. By bus.                    C. On foot.

3. What does the woman mean?

A. Mary is healthier than she seems.

B. Mary is sure in good health.

C. Mary is in poor health like her.

4. Where will the man go for the summer vacation?

A. Tokyo.            B. London.                   C. Kyoto.

5. What are the speakers talking?

A. Their neighbor’s dog.     B.  Their neighbor’s garden.     C. Their neighbor’s character.




6. Why does Greener World develop educational programs for schools?

A. To show children how the oceans are being polluted.

B. To tell children why over-fishing can happen.

C. To make a contribution to these schools.

7. Where will a speech be delivered?

A. In Greener World’s meeting hall.

B. In the man’s school meeting hall.

C. In the woman’s school meeting hall.


8. Where will the woman move to?

A. Guangzhou.               B. Hangzhou        C. Hanzhong.

9. When was the woman born?

A. On October11, 1968.   B. On October 21, 1968.   C. On October11, 1986


10. What’s wrong with the man’s camera?

A. Its battery runs out very quickly.

B. Its button doesn’t work properly.

C. Its screen always goes black.

11. What’s the type of the man’s camera?

A. IXUS210.         B. IXUS220.        C. IXUS310.

12. Where is the repair center?

A. On the 17th floor, No. 1553 Palace Street.

B. On the 7th floor, No. 1553 Palace Street.

C. On the 7th floor, No. 1535 Palace Street.


13. What course should the man take in order to graduate this year?

A. A science course.            B.A medical course.      C. An art course.

14. What was the man poor at in high school?

A. Physics.             B. Chemistry.        C. Math.

15. Which course will the man probably choose at last?

A. Biology.         B. Geology.        C. Astronomy.

16. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man can’t tolerate the smell in the lab.

B. Dr. Cook taught the woman astronomy last term.

C. The woman is taking a drama course right now.


17. What makes it possible for Nancy to fly anywhere in the world?

A. Her high annual salary.

B. Support of her flight company.

C. Flexible schedule and cheap tickets.

18. What do AAI volunteers do besides delivering donations?

A. Help needy children with their studies.

B. Plant gardens, dig wells, and build clinics.

C. Dance and sing songs with needy children.

19. What made Nancy have a strong desire to give and then create AAI?

A. The loss of her father.

B. Local people’ s suffering from poverty.

C. Her trips to modern cities.

20. What do we know about AAI?

A. Most of its volunteers work in local communities.

B. It has a history of fifty-four years.

C. It has more than 3,000 volunteers now.


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