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十几年前,社会上就流传着这样一句话:未来几年人类必须掌握的三大技能是英语、驾驶、计算机。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高考英语预测卷,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)?



When did the woman finish her draft?

A. A week ago.   B. A month ago.   C. Two months ago.

What happened at the charity party?

A. Not many people came.

B. The woman had to leave early to deal with her son.

C. More money was raised than expected.

1. What are the speakers doing?

A. Taking photos.  B. Shooting a film.   C. Trying on some make-up.

2. How do the speakers feel?

A. Defeated.   B. Tired.     C. Excited.

3. What does the woman imply?

A. She expects the man to fix the problems.

B. The man is easy to fool.

C. She will not buy the car.




4. When will the woman have a class?

A. 3:00     B. 3:15.    C. 5:00.

5. What will the woman do after lunch today?

A. Go to work.    B. Go to class.     C. Go to the library.


6. Why is the woman upset?

A. Many things go wrong in the bathroom.

B. She doesn’t have a view of the Pacific Ocean.

C. There is no water in the room at all.

7. What does the man offer to do for the woman?

A. Change her room to 2012.

B. Give her a discount on her current room.

C. Give her a free one-night stay.


8. What skin masks should one use after a sunbath?

A. Those mixed with lemon. B. Those mixed with orange.     C. Those mixed with cucumber.

9. What season is it now?

A. Winter. B. Fall. C. Summer.

10. How does the woman feel in the end?

A. Disappointed. B. Annoyed.  C. Satisfied.


11. Why won’t the speakers go to Europe?

A. They don’t have enough time.   B. They have been there recently.  C. They can’t afford it.

12. Where do the speakers decide to go instead?

A. The nearby countryside.

B. The city next to theirs.

C. A nature park that is a little far away.

13. How will the speakers go on vacation?

A. By car.  B. By bus. C. By train.

14. What does the woman ask the man to do before they leave?

A. Make a list of what they will bring.

B. Fill up the car with gas.

C. Pay attention to the weather.


15. Why is the man cooking dinner?

A. He wants to show his appreciation for the woman.

B. He wants to celebrate something.

C. He wants to impress the woman.

16. What do we know about the apartment?

A. Another woman lives there.     B. It’s in a noisy neighborhood.    C. It is not very large.

17. What does the woman say about Melanie?

A. She was quite messy.

B. She asked for advice about school a lot.

C. She is good at cooking.

18. What will the speakers have for dessert?

A. Ice cream from a shop.

B. A cake from a bakery.

C. A cake made by the man.

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分 )




There has been an outpouring of love for a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in front of her while a groomer(美容师) tried to trim(修剪) its claws.

Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland and Macomb counties, offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis(硬化症), everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, “ I would like to buy her a new dog.”

A story about the death of Crouch’s pet, Gooch, was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily. Crouch said a man sat on the dog to trim its nails. Gooch died after one claw was trimmed.

Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said she was ignored. “If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog and physically stopped her, but I can’t do that.” Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally helped Crouch by picking up things for her.

“This case is absolute animal abuse(虐待),” Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills, said.

People who read the story contacted Oakland Press to offer help. A message, from Rebecca Amett of Giggles N Wiggles Puppy Rescue, in Roseville, said, “We have puppies to donate … and want to help the young woman who lost her service dog.”

“When Gooch was with me, I was happy,” Crouch said, “I think I can be happy again but no animal can replace Gooch. There’s never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a dog that can bring me joy again.”

21. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. A disabled woman’s service dog.

B. A cruel groomer killed a disabled woman’s dog.

C. People’s love for a disabled woman who lost her dog.

D. Disabled woman loves to have the dog as company.

22. People called and emailed to             .

A. offer help and care to Laurie Crouch.       B. give their angry voice to the groomer.

C. offer a cure for Crouch’s disease.          D. tell Crouch how to punish the groomer.

23. We can infer from the passage that          .

A. Crouch refused to take another dog.

B. Crouch must be sad after losing her dog.

C. Crouch has accepted another dog from a stranger.

D. Crouch can live well without a dog’s company.



Baymont Inn Ft.Lauderdale

3800 W.Commercial, Ft. Lauderdale.FL 33309

Lowest Prices 110% Guaranteed (保证)

Room Information

Rooms are equipped with Double, Queen , or King bed (s) , smoking or non-smoking based on location and availability. Provided in each spacious guest room is a hair dryer, coffee maker, iron, ironing board, 25’TV and guest voice mail.

Check-in Time:7:00 P. M.

Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Free Parking, 24 Hour Front Desk, Pool, Television with Cable, Coffee Maker in Room, Hairdryers Available.

Beach Plaza Hotel

625 N.Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33304

Room Information

The oceanfront accommodations at Beach Plaza Hotel are some of the most affordable on Fort Lauderdale Beach.Each room features direct-dial telephone, cable television and daily maid service.The very affordable efficiency studios even include full kitchens! All rooms surround the private poolside garden courtyard.

Check-in Time:7:05 P. M.

Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Coffee Maker in Room, 24 Hour Front Desk, Parking, Hairdryers Available, Pool, Television with Cable.

Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel

3711 N.Ocean Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33308

Room Information

Guest rooms feature TVs, in-room movies, Internet access, in-room safes, alarm clock radios, hairdryers, refrigerators, microwaves, and balconies.

Check-in Time:7:00 A.M.

Hotel Amenities:Parking,Heated Pool, Television with Cable, and Coffee Maker in Room.

24.Which hotel gives a promise?

A.Beach Plaza Hotel.                B.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.

C.Baymont Inn Hotel. D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

25.In which hotel parking is the cheapest?

A.Beach Plaza Hotel.                B.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.

C.Baymont Inn Hotel. D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

26.If you ______ , you will probably go to Beach Plaza Hotel.

A.enjoy seeing films without leaving your hotel room

B.want to eat food cooked by yourself in the hotel

C.are fond of swimming in heated water

D.are a cigarette smoker

27.Which of the following is NOT true to the ads?

A.In Beach Plaza Hotel a 24-hour maid is available.

B.All of the three hotels provide television with cable.

C.You can keep your money in the room safe in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

D.While staying in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel, you can surf the Internet.


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