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高中英语是中国对英语教育阶段的一个部分组成。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高考英语考前预测试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

Ⅰ 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


There are many moments in life when we become angry with others because of something they said or did against us. Anger is just one letter short of danger -- it seems to be as __1__ in English as well as in practice. In fact, those who are easy to get angry are in greater physical __2__ than those who smoke or have high blood pressure.

One little boy said about his __3__: “When she starts to get angry, you have to look __4__ and serious. Don't laugh. When mommies are mad, they get madder when you __5__.”

The good news is that __6__ getting angry does not seem to be the problem. Well-directed anger can be a helpful __7__. But Staying angry is __8__ -- to our health and to our relationships.

We must have a forgiving heart for our own peace of mind. When we __9__ to forgive, that hatred eats at us little by little until we are consumed by it. We should realize that forgiveness is to our benefit just as much as it is to the one we are __10__.

Here are four simple __11__ that can help move us out of the danger zone.

__12__ it. Uncontrolled anger will take over.

Talk it out. Don't keep it in and let it go bad.

Act on it. Do what needs to be done to resolve the situation.

End it. Just as there is a __13__ point for anger, there must be an ending. Make a __14__ not to stay angry.

It can help to remember that for every minute we're angry, we __15__ sixty seconds of happiness and sixty s econds of peace. The sooner we get out of the danger zone, the sooner we can get back to happy life.

1.A. true B. strange C. different D. common

2.A. anger B. appearance C. danger D. difficulty

3.A.father B. mother C. sister D. teacher

4.A. scared B. interested C. puzzled D. surprised

5.A. cry B. escape C. quarrel D. laugh

6.A. gradually B.frequently C. simply D. suddenly

7.A. exercise B.medicine C. habit D. emotion

8.A.beneficial B.accessible C. dangerous D. impossible

9.A. refuse B. decide C.tend D.attempt

10.A. hating B.fighting C. forgiving D.helping

11.A. rules B. steps C.conclusions D. warnings

12.A. Hide B. Abandon  C. Understand D. Control

13.A.ending B. starting C. turning D. melting

14.A. decision B. record C. bet D. point

15.A. use B. lack C. owe D. lose

第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


A few months ago we started a blog called "Confessions(自白) of an English Learner." This blog is__16__   you to share your stories about language misunderstandings. Many of you provided advice about __17__  you learned English. Thanks to everyone who __18__  (join) the discussion on the blog so far.

One web visitor described his __19__ (difficult) with two English language words that sound similar __20__  are very different in meaning. Moises wrote from his home in El Salvador. He described a mistake he made on his first visit __21__ the United States.

At the time, Moises was working on a cruise ship. It was his second day. He w as organizing some of his belongings __22__ a co-worker came into the room they were sharing. The co-worker asked, "Hey, my friend, do you want soap?" Moises wrote that he was surprised by the question and excited __23__ (use) his English. He answered, "No thanks. I am not hungry."

Well, everyone in the room started laughing and Moises did not understand the joke. __24__ new friends then explained that "soap" is something you use to wash yourself. "Soup" is what you eat.

Moises said this incident happened ten years ago. He added, "Do you imagine that I am __25__ English teacher now?"


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