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例:Stand over there _____ you’ll be able to see it before.

A. or          B. and          C. but       D. while


1.In spite of all the ways I tried _____ myself understood, they still didn’t know what I meant.

A making   B to make   C being make   D to be made

2. The people at the exhibition were amazed to hear _____ the beautiful paintings were painted with coffee.

A what      B who      C that     D whether

3. ---Haven’t we met each other at ____ party?

---Yes, but I can’t remember whether it was ____ Christmas when we were in college.

A a ;the     B the; a     C a ; a       D a; /

4. I can’t hardly imagine his arguing with our boss. He always ____ me as a coolheaded man.

A takes     B strikes    C treats       D regards

5. Why not invite Steve to be the judge? He is known to have a strong ____ of fairness.

A feeling    B intention   C faith     D sense

6. ---Do you know I am applying for a new job and have just filled in a form?

---________ all the questions truthfully?

A Did you answer   B Were you answering  C Do you answer   D Had you answered

7. Mr. Jackson told me that he was leaving for Hawaii ____ a four-day tour with his family.

A at    B on   C in     D as

8. It is a common misconception that only children can ____ a new language at ease.

A break up   B take up   C turn up   D pick up

9. Was it near the teacher’s building , if I may ask, _____ you met that famous professor?

A what    B that      C when     D how

10. He was walking along the beach, occasionally ______down to pick up a seashell.

A to bend   B bending    C bent     D having bent

11. The police still haven’t found the missing boy but they’re doing all they _______.

A shall   B would   C must   D can

12 The teacher asked the students to calculate how much ____sound travels in water than in air.

A faster   B fast   C the faster   D the fastest

13. ______ bother sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region.

A If only   B Only if   C Unless  D As far as

14. Being a baseball player is many children’s dream, ____Leo is an example.

A for whom   B in which  C of whom  D from which

15. ---Was the lecture as good as you excepted?

---Oh, ______. You should have attended it.

A it’s well worth the time.  B it is nothing serious   C don’t mention it.  D never say it a lot.


The Boy Who Had No Ears

"Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked. ___16___ when she saw his face, she was ___17___ because the baby had been born __18__ ears. Time proved that the baby's hearing was __19_. It was only his appearance that was destroyed..

He grew up, handsome and smart. However, he was often ___20____ by his fellow students for his different ___21___. One day a famous doctor told his parents that he could ____22____ the boy if there was a pair of ___23__ ears. From then on the search began for a person who would ___24__ the ears for a young man.

Two years went by. Then, "You are going to the ___25___, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it's a secret", said the father. The operation was a brilliant ____26____ and a new person emerged. Later he married and got a decent job. "But I must know!" he ___27___ his father. "Who gave so much for me? I could never do enough for him."

"I do not think you ___28___," said the father, “it is not the right time to tell you this and it is a secret till now.”

The years kept their ___29___, but the day did come - one of the __30__ days that ever pass through a son. He stood with his ___31___ over his mother's casket (棺材). Slowly, tenderly, the father raised her thick, ___32__ to reveal a secret - that the mother had no outer ears.

"Mother said she was __33__ she never let her hair be cut," he whispered gently.

Real beauty __34_ not in the physical appearance, but in the heart. Real love lies not in what is done and known, but in what is __35__ but not known.

16. A But  B. So   C. Although  D. As

17. A glad  B amused    C astonished  D interested

18. A with  B without  C no  D small

19. A large  B bad  C poor  D perfect

20. A laughed at   B admired  C encouraged  D helped

21. A talents  B. eyes  C appearance  D mouth

22. A adopt  B adapt  C help  D kill

23. A outer  B inner  C large  D special

24. A cut  B destroy  C eat   D donate

25. A hospital  B school  C room  D town

26. A failure  B disaster  C success  D waste

27. A shouted to  B answered   C confused  D. asked

28. A might  B should  C. could  D. can

29. A conversation   B secret   C money  D operation

30. A happiest    B darkest  C luckiest  D excited

31. A son   B father   C girlfriend   D mother

32. A clothes  B lips   C hair   D eyes

33. A glad  B sorry  C disappointed  D strange

34. A goes   B runs  C changes  D lies

35. A worked  B sent  C loved  D. done


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