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第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


1. What will the speakers do today?

A. Tour around the city.      B. Buy a train ticket.        C. Visit a park.

2. What did the woman do last weekend?

A. She went on a trip.

B. She cleaned her kitchen.

C. She moved to a new apartment.

3. Where did the man work part time?

A. In a bank.         B. In a post office.       C. In a department store.

4. What is the man doing?

A. Taking an exam.        B. Reading a book.       C. Having a class.

5. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a library.            B. In a concert.        C. In a store.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

12. What is the woman doing?

A. Having dinner.

B. Doing exercise.

C. Watching a diet programme.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. How many questions does the man ask?

A. Two.           B. Three.                C. Four.

14. What equipment in the kitchen uses the most energy?

A. The stove.       B. The refrigerator.          C. The dish washer.

15. What can people do to help with the environment?

A. Drive the car within the speed limit.

B. Buy a new car instead of a used car.

C. Stop buying The New York Times.

16. What do we know about Sally?

A. She knows a lot about environmental issues.

B. She likes reading newspapers.

C. She doesn’t win the prize.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What is the main purpose of offering students many extra activities?

A. To offer them a chance to know about the society.

B. To help them prepare for their adult lives.

C. To get them interested in their studies.

18. What can sports help students develop?

A. Close teamwork.    B. Competition spirits.   C. Organizing ability.

19. What does Mr. Smith call on students to do?

A. Give money to the poor.

B. Make every effort to gain satisfaction.

C. Offer time and attention to people in need.

20. What can listeners find on Oxford University’s website?

A. Advice on extra activities.

B. Community service information.

C. Further information on this interview.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




My grandma whom we all called Nanny was a solid, first-generation, Italian immigrant. She came to this country with her family on a tiny ship during World War I when she was only 8 years old. During the trip she survived stormy seas,little food, and an attack by a German U-boat. After getting here,her large family worked hard to build a new life in America. They never had much money but were rich in love.

One day, when I was about 5 or 6 years old, my parents and brothers went on a trip. It was just me and Nanny in the house for the weekend. Nanny seemed so happy to be taking care of me all by herself. She made me a special breakfast that first morning. However, all I could do was to complain about how the food was not how Mom always made it. Nanny quietly put down the plate and went into the living room. I followed a minute later and saw that she had tears in her eyes. It was the first time I had ever seen my strong and proud grandmother cry and I was the one who had caused it.

I walked over to Nanny, climbed on her lap, and for the first time in my short life I did something else too. I apologized without being told to and asked Nanny to forgive me. She smiled, rubbed my head, and told me I was a good boy even though I didn't feel like one then.

That memory just like my Nanny's love will stay in my heart forever. It is a sign of both strength and wisdom. Asking for forgiveness helps us to learn, to grow, and to love.

21. Nanny’s family immigrated to America mainly because _____.

A. they suffered starvation in their homeland

B. they wanted to start a rich life in the new land

C. they tried to get away from the terrible climate

D. their country was in war and they needed peace

22. The boy complained to Nanny that the food _____.

A. wasn't cooked the way his mom did             B. was served a bit later than usual

C. was prepared in a special way                    D. was just to his parents’ taste

23. When seeing Nanny crying in the living room, the author felt _____.

A. surprised              B. ashamed                  C. shocked                D. annoyed

24. The author mainly wants to tell us that _____.

A. forgiveness can be beneficial to people asking for it

B. hardships can make children more indifferent

C. grandparents are more tolerant than their grandchildren

D. family ties can sometimes be misused


Europe is home to a variety of cultural treasures. Lonely Planet, the world’s largest travel guide publisher, has offered pairs of cities for culture­hungry but time­poor travelers.

London and Paris

It takes you about two hours to travel from London to Paris by Eurostar, a high-speed railway service. The two capital cities have been competing in fashion, art and nightlife for decades-but each secretly looks up to the other.

No one can doubt the grand and impressive beauty of Paris' Louvre Museum, but if you want to save money, you cannot skip the British Museum free to visit. Compared with London, Paris has more outdoor attractions such as the beautiful green walkway La Promenade Plantee.

In Paris, you'll see diners linger over red wine. While in London, you can try some afternoon tea, eat fish and chips or salted cake.

Vienna and Bratislava

Austrian capital Vienna and Slovakia city Bratislava are an hour apart by train. But since they are linked by the Danube River, the best way to travel is by ship. A tour of the two cities is the perfect way to experience everything from 17th century’s Habsburg dynasty splendor to sci­fi restaurants.

Vienna is famous for Mozart and imperial palaces. You can appreciate the perfect blending of architecture and nature in the grand Schonbrunn Palace, and reward yourself with a cup of Vienna coffee, which has made its way to the world's cultural heritage list.

Bratislava is best known for its fine dining-the remarkable UFO restaurant. You can enjoy a meat­laden dinner here in an amazing setting.

25. What’s the relationship between London and Paris according to the text?

A. They help each other.               B. They attack each other.

C. They admire each other.              D. They don't like each other.

26. What are the advantages of Paris mentioned in the article?

a. The Louvre Museum         b. Free access to museums

c. More outdoor attractions          d. Better wines and perfumes

A. ac         B. cd              C. acd           D. bcd

27. Which of the cities should you choose if you are interested in sci­fi restaurants?

A. London.        B. Paris.              C. Glasgow.          D. Bratislava.

28. Lonely Planet recommends these two pairs of cities because ________.

A. they are not expensive to visit

B. they are best known to the world

C. they are always enemies between each other

D. they are close but different in many aspects


29. Why is it difficult to find a wild bees' nest?

A. It's small in size.                           B. It's hidden in trees.

C. It's covered with wax.                       D. It's hard to recognize.

30. The honey guide is special in the way              .

A. it gets its food                              B. it goes to church

C. it sings in the forest                          D. it reaches into bees' nests

31. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Wild Bees                                 B. Wax and Honey

C. Beekeeping in Africa                         D. Honey-Lover's Helper


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