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一 、听力题(共两节,满分30分)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 与mp3 142对应


1.When will the shoes be finished?

A.Sunday afternoon. B. Saturday afternoon. C.Friday morning.

2.Where is Jane and Bill’s new home?

A.Near a train station B. Near a bus station. C.Near an airport.

3.What time is it in fact?

A.1:40. B. 1:50. C.1:45.

4.What does the man mean?

A.Bob said nothing at the lecture.

B. Something is wrong with Bob’s ears.

C.Bob doesn’t listen to him.

5.What can you learn from the conversation?

A. The man has all his meals in the dining-room.

B.The man may come from the south.

C.The food in the dining-room is very bad.




6.How does Jane like the skirts?

A.She likes neither the prices nor the styles.

B. She likes the styles but does not like the prices.

C.She likes the prices but does not like the styles.

7.What people does Jane think can wear the clothes in this store?

A. The women who are of her age.

B. The women who are older than she.

C.The women who are younger than she.


8.Why does the man decide to buy a new flat?

A.The place where he lives now is too noisy.

B.He wants to save time on the road.

C.His wile wants him to do so.

9.Why can’t the woman lend the man too much money?

A.She doesn’t like the man.

B. She has lent her money to another friend.

C.She’s just bought a new flat herself.

10.Where do the man’s parents live?

A.In the countryside. B. In a big city. C.In a foreign country.


11.Why did the woman want to change jobs?

A. Because she needed more time to study.

B.Because Park Hotel was too far away from her home.

C.Because she was not satisfied with the pay.

12.Where did the woman get the information of applying the jobs?

A.From the sign in the restaurant window.

B. From a friend of hers.

C.From the want ad in the newspaper.

13.What days did the interviewer say they needed help?

A.At weekends. B.On Sundays. C.Late in the week.


14.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Director and actress. B.Journalist and actress. C.Fan and film star.

15.What part does the woman play?

A.An old lady. B. A young lady. C.A doctor.

16.What did the woman say about the play?

A. It’s a comedy.

B.It’s directed by herself.

C.It’s loved by people.


17.According to the speaker,how will students feel about the university life at its beginning?

A. Disappointed and fearful.

B.Satisfied and hopeful.

C. Excited and anxious.

18.What will help the students to become clear about their own goals?

A. Walking around the university.

B.Understanding the university requirements.

C.Getting used to university life.

19.Why does the speaker advise the students not to give up learning?

A. Because learning can help them understand their own value.

B. Because learning can help them improve their 1ife.

C.Because learning can help them get university degrees.

20.According to the speaker,what is the most important for the new students?

A.Fields of learning. B.Results of learning. C.Ways of learning.


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