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英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高三下学期英语高考预测题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单项填空(共20题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)


1. ---- How about going for a cycle ride this Saturday morning?

---- ________ .

A.That’s all right  B.You’re welcome  C.I’d like to  D.I don’t think so

2. Considered as _____ smart leader, he is to be chosen to be _____ captain of the group.

A.a; the             B.a; a            C.the; the       D.the; a

3. There was a grand ball in the town. But ________ brought his or her partner to the party.

A.everyone          B.someone       C.one          D.no one

4. The medicine has a(n) ________ effect.

A.abrupt            B.sensitive        C.immediate    D.quick

5. Was it the language or something else ________ made it hard for you to adapt to the life there?

A.that              B.which          C.when      D.it

6. Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable anti-war film and also a story of _______ and sacrifice.

A.confidence        B.courage         C.concern     D.course

7. The password ________ access to all  the files on the hard disk.

A.gains            B.has           C.permits      D.gives

8. The world will little note, nor long remember ________ we say here, but it can never forget

________ they did here.

A.which; that        B.that; what       C.what; what   D.what; which

9. The unl ucky fisherman ________ a sunken log.

A.cast              B.shocked         C.deserted      D.hooked

10. Her eyes are red because she ______ up peppers for the past one hour.

A.had cut           B.has been cutting    C.cut          D.was cutting

11. Under the theme o f "Better City, Better Life", Shanghai is proudly ________ to  the world

and it shines.

A.in peace           B.on duty          C.in fact       D.on show

12. She works as a secretary, ________ , a personal assistant.

A. less than          B. rather than        C. as well as   D. or rather

13. I know her ________ well, but I wouldn’t say we were really close friends.

A.fairly            B.quite          C.extremely    D.very

14. ________ the drug was a long and painful process for him.

A.To take off        B.To be addicted to C.Coming off   D.Being addicted to

15. Programs are expensive, and ________ if you have to keep altering them.

A.even more        B.even more so      C.so much    D.so far

16. Don’t be discouraged, for life is unpredictable. You ________ be a most successful one.

A.may             B.will          C.must       D.should

17. ________ the next few days they got to know the town well.

A.After            B.For           C.Over         D.By

18. Concerned much about her sick son, ________ she checked to see if he was still asleep.

A.above all     B.in other words    C.now that       D.now and then

19. Unable to rely on the government, she has a few thousand dollars _______ for her retirement.

A.put away       B.put down    C.put off         D.put up

20.  — ________ ! Once again, the door was left open by somebody last night!

— Don’t look at me.

A. Dear me    B. Help yourself    C. Thank goodness  D. Come on



When a dad promised his seven-year-old daughter she would be a real princess, he wasn’t kidding.

Jeremiah Heaton travelled to a(n)   21   desert region of Africa to claim a controversial stretch of land in his daughter Emily’s name. Mr Heaton, the father of three children from Virginia,   22    a flag his children had designed in the   23   piece of land sandwiched between Egypt and Sudan after   24   to Emily that she would one day be royalty. Mr Heaton found Bir Tawil, one of the last unclaimed pieces of land on the planet, which   25   about 1300 km sq of desert that has   26   been claimed by Sudan or Egypt. What he did is just considered by some people to be a   27   that is an inspiring display of paternal love(父爱).

It took Mr Heaton 14 hours to travel by wagon through the desert   28   he could plant the flag, which has a blue background and a seal and stars   29   the family.

He may have completed his journey in June,   30   it began at the start of the year when he was chatting to his young daughter. “Over the winter, Emily and I were playing, and she had a desire to be a princess. She asked me, in all   31   , if she’d be a real princess   32   ,” Heaton said. “And I said she would.”

On his return Mr Heaton and his wife made a   33   for their daughter and asked friends and family to   34   her as Princess Emily. Princess Emily, who sleeps in a custom-made castle bed, is showing   35   of being a generous ruler, and said that she wants to   36   children in the region have enough food.

Shelia Carapico, professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond, said it was not smooth-tongued or   37   for someone to plant a flag and say they have political control over the land without legal   38   from neighboring countries, the United Nations or other groups.   39   , she said, it is not known whether people have ownership of the land,  __40 whether the property is part of a political nation.

21. A. deserted            B. precious            C. attractive           D. remote

22. A. planted    B. carried     C. buried     D. waved

23. A. undiscovered   B. unrecognized   C. unclaimed     D. undivided

24. A. keeping his word        B. making a promise

C. giving in         D. looking forward

25. A. spreads    B. expands    C. covers      D. runs

26. A. never     B. seldom    C. often      D. hardly

27. A. move     B. plan     C. reply      D. thought

28. A. after    B. before     C. when      D. if

29. A. displaying   B. presenting    C. painting     D. representing

30. A. and    B. but      C. so      D. or

31. A. carefulness   B. kindness    C. seriousness     D. hopefulness

32. A. everyday   B. every day    C. someday      D. some day

33. A. shirt    B. crown     C. promise     D. joke

34. A. refer to    B. deal with    C. talk of     D. look for

35. A. pride    B. interest    C. signals     D. signs

36. A. ensure     B. admit     C. suggest     D. advise

37. A. comfortable   B. reasonable     C. describable    D. possible

38. A .realization          B. satisfaction

C. recognition           D. consideration

39. A. In all          B. In addition

C. Above all         D. As a result

40. A. instead of   B. more than    C. rather than    D. regardless of


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