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以下是威廉希尔app 高考频道带来的2016年高考英语作文押题预测,供考生参考!










As is depicted in this vivid cartoon, parents are making their kid jump the rope with a pile of books in hand. The kid is extremely tired. The phenomenon behind this cartoon is far-reaching and thought-provoking. The major reasons are listed as follows.

Currently children are in a competitive environment, struggling for high scores and ideal universities. Parents always expect their kids to stay on top by being more strict with them, just like swinging the rope to a higher frequency and meanwhile, burdening them with more books. In this way, they hope to develop their kids' strength and will power to achieve success.

This sort of training, however, is too tough for the kids to withstand. If kids can do better in a more relaxing way, why keep them on pins and needles, which only makes them hate study? The efficiency will be considerable if kids are allowed to follow their own pace of study.

Therefore, it's better for parents to allow their children to develop their own way of study.

【押题理由】 最近几年高考一直是以书信类应用型文为主,图片作文的考查较少,预估今天高考英语作文考试会以图片的形式来考查学生的表达。


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