


【摘要】2013年高考将至,威廉希尔app 应广大考生需求特体整理了“2013年高考英语冲刺复习:情态动词”,希望考上在有限的时间里,收获更多知识。在此预祝考生取得理想的成绩。

1、I will join the school singing club as long as I       find spare time.

A.will         B.might         C.may         D.can

2、—Is John coming by bus?

—He should,but he       not.He likes driving his car.

A.must      B.can        C.need        D.may

3、 They have promised the money collected        be handed to the charity house.

A. can                         B. must                       C. will                        D. shall

4、Persons under 18     not be employed in night work according to our government's regulation.

A.might       B.need        C.could        D.shall

5、—What is an ideal team leader like?

— He _______ be responsible, determined and creative.

A. can                    B. may                    C. would               D. should

6、 -----You naughty boy!  You ______ get what you deserve.

----- I’m sorry! Please forgive me, Sir!

A. can              B. shall           C. must             D. may

7、 — It’s hard to believe that Jack ________ have fought with the policeman.

— Yes. If one ________ ask for trouble, it can’t be helped.

A. would; will        B. should; must      C. must; may              D. need; dare

8、 I tried more than once to persuade the taxi driver to slow down, but he just __________ listen.

A. shouldn’t                    B. mustn’t       C. couldn’t        D. wouldn’t

9、What's your opinion of Mr.Li's request that we ______ spend half an hour reading English aloud every morning?

A.would             B.should             C.must           D.could

10、 No student______ go out of school for snacks during the break without the teacher’s permission.

A. shall                 B. must     C. will             D. may

11、 You naughty boy! You _______ get what you deserve!

A. should       B. can                C. shall         D. may

12、 --- These days I am even sleepy in class.

--- How terrible it is! You _____ as well go to bed earlier.

A. should       B. will       C. can          D. may

13、— Is it good to look up every new word when I come across it in reading?

—No,you _____,because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context,

A. don't have to     B. shouldn't              C. can't            D. mustn't

14、 We______ have hurried all the way to the airport — the flight was called off

because of the foggy weather.

A. mustn't           B. couldn't             C. needn't               D. wouldn't

15、There's someone knocking on the door. Who _____it be?

—It must be Mary. She promised to be here at 8: 00

A. must   B. need    C. shall    D. can

16、 —These grapes look really beautiful.

—They ______! See the price $3.99 a pound. Very expensive, aren’t they!

A. would        B. could         C. might         D. should

17、 It doesn’t often snow in my hometown in winter, but it ___be rather cold sometimes.

A. shall               B. should          C. can               D. would

18、Often he______ sit for hours doing nothing at all when he was in low spirits.

A.should       B.would      C.could             D.might

19、 Holiday shopping ______be a tiring experience.There are so many places to visit and choices to make.

A.can       B.may       C.shall       D.will

20、一Amazing! You         wear slippers at work.

— Don’t you know it’s a fashion?

A.should                 B.need                    C.dare                       D.mustn’t

21、 It is unbelievable that he _______ have bought so large quantities of goods on taobao.com on    Double Eleven Day.

A. must                B. may                  C. need               D. should

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