


【摘要】2013年高考将至,威廉希尔app 应广大考生需求特体整理了“2013年高考英语冲刺复习:单词”,希望考上在有限的时间里,收获更多知识。在此预祝考生取得理想的成绩。

1、Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as _______ else.

A. anything     B. something     C. anywhere     D. somewhere

2、Upon reading the notice all the staff of the company stood there         ,  looking at each other.

A. no speaking  B. speechlessly  C.speechless D.  did not speaking

3、In my opinion,_____ shouldn't be any doubt that China will become one of the most powerful countries in the near future.

A.this               B.that                   C.it                       D.there

4、 The French Revolution was successful in______ society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly ______ in Europe.

A. freeing; that            B. freeing; ones      C. ridding; the one       D. ridding; those

5、—Is this your second car?

—Yes, Blue is always my color. It’s a little _______ but still fits _______ the garage.

A. wider; more easily                 B. wider; easily

C. widest; more easily                D. widest, easily

6、 After watching a movie Avatar, Mary lay in bed with her eyes _______ open while all her family were

_______ asleep.

A. wide; soundly     B. wide; sound

C. widely; sound     D. widely; soundly

7、This book      18 passages,      three written by my head teacher.

A. includes; contained                 B. includes; containing

C. contains; includes                  D. contains; including

8、 He looks __________but in fact he looks_________ at things.

A. carelessly; carefully       B. carefully; carelessly

C. careful; careless          D. careful; carelessly

9、 It must have needed a great deal of self?discipline for you to lose ________ much    weight in ________ a short time.

A. such; so                           B. such; such

C. so; such                           D. so; so

10、  The movie once _______ a whole generation of people. They proved to be of much _______ in the education of people.

A. affected; effect   B. effected; affect      C. affected; affect  D. effected; effect

11、 —What’s wrong?

— The house was locked and I can’t get in _____ .

A. anyway        B. somewhat    C. however       D. whatever

12、 Please don’t ________ him, because he is quite ________ about his girlfriend’s words right now.

A. disturb; disturbing                                 B. disturbed; disturbing

C. disturb; disturbed                                  D. disturbing; disturbed

13、 ---The weather is too cold ____ March this year.

---It was still ____ when I came here years ago.

A. for; colder     B. in; cold     C. in; hot     D. for; hotter

14、 The skin, an _____ part of your body and its largest organ, ____ as a barrier against diseases.

A. vital, acting        B. vital, acts     C. essential, acting     D. essential, acts

15、They found a __________ old woman __________ on the ground when the door was broken open.

A. deadly; lain                     B. dead; lied   C. death; laying            D. dying; lying

16、 It is _______ to arrive here so early;they never came here on time.

A. astonishing                                           B. astonished

C. astonish                                                      D. to astonish

17、 You must take everything into _______ when you want to do a difficult task.

A. consider                                                      B. considering

C. consideration                                               D. considered

18、 The murderer then drove the victim’s red Ford to escape, and the police later found the car _______ a few miles away in Aubean.

A. dismissed          B. abandoned                C. stood         D. quit

19、 He often keeps English _______ ___________,

A. week; tidily  B. weekly; orderly  C. the week; tidy  D. weeks; friendly

20、 ---Is anything _____?

---I can’t decide which dress I should wear at my friend’s wedding party.

---I don’t think it ____.

A. the matter; the matter  B. matter; matters

C. the matter; matters    D. matter; the matter

21、Solar energy heating system is an _____ method of heating.

A. economic      B. economy       C. economics      D. economical

22、The __________ sailor has had many interesting __________.

A. experience; experienced     B. experienced; experiences

C. experienced; experience     D. experiences; experience

23、Most people think it acceptable to call others by their first name, but some consider it ________ to use first names without being invited to do so.

A. proper    B. properly C. improper  D. improperly

24、 Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _____ a scientific theory.

A. confirm            B. confine             C. conform           D. conceive

25、 ________inviting guests and not treating them properly!

A. Strangely       B. Fantastically    C. Surprisingly  D. Fancy

26、 Our attitude toward our teachers should be ________, but not slavish or superstitious.

A. respectable      B. respected      C. respective     D. respectful

27、 Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to _____ of his life.

A. despair              B. designate                  C. disappoint    D. despise

28、 As soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.

A. woke                B. waken                    C. wake         D. awake

29、Government officials are______ people and they should ____the people heart and soul.

A. servants of; serve                  B.service for; serve

C. servants of; serve for               D.servants for; serve of

30、 We should unite,      no country _____can solve the problem of the pig flu.

A.for; alone            B.because;  lonely      C. since;   only        D. as; simply

31、 He is not______. He is the______ man in the streets.

A. somebody; average                        B.somebody; common

C.something; ordinary                       D.anyone; general

32、They are all ____ little children that you are not able to look after ____ many of them.

A.so; so           B.such; so        C.such; such           D.so; such

33、Try to spend your time just on the things you find_________.

A. worthing doing them           B. worth being done

C. worthy to being done           D. worthy of being done

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