


【摘要】2013年高考将至,威廉希尔app 应广大考生需求特体整理了“2013年高考英语复习资料:形容词”,希望考上在有限的时间里,收获更多知识。在此预祝考生取得理想的成绩。

1、 Mr. Bryan is a/an _______ secretary in our office, for he is able to do tasks successfully, without wasting time or energy.

A. effective      B. efficient               C. flexible             D. sufficient

2、Jay Chou’songs are very         to young people,who like their content and style.

A.popular      B.familiar        C.similar       D.particular

3、 With the development of car industry, we can see far _______ bicycles now.

A.   few              B. many              C. fewer         D. more

4、He is perfectly __________ to live in the mountains and paint pictures all day, even though he is of poor health.

A. curious             B. proud         C. anxious             D. content

5、Everyone in our class knows that he is ________than diligent.

A. wiser             B. more wise         C. more wiser         D. much wise

6、David got a higher grade in the final exam, for, you see, he made        mistakes.

A.few   B.fewer       C.little   D.less

7、 South Korean star PSY’s “Gangnam Style” video has become the most favoured video on YouTube and is _____ on line.

A. accessible            B. adaptable         C. abundant                D. available

8、       Of the two coats, I'd choose the _____one to spare some money for a book.

A. cheapest     B. most expensive      C. cheaper      D. more expensive

9、 John once worked in a remote mountain village school, which is ____only on foot.

A. acceptable          B. accessible         C. available        D. appropriate

10、 Tom is a hard-working student.In fact, you cannot find anyone in the class ____.

A.diligent     B.more diligent  C.the most diligent     D.the more diligent

11、-May I speak to Mr.Smith?

-I am afraid not. He is at a meeting now.It's not        .

A. reliable        B. convenient        C. beneficial          D. available

12、After a long vacation.Mike came back           .

A.freshly and strongly                                 B.being fresh and strong

C.fresh and strong                                        D.to be fresh and strong

13、 He is very ______ and well-qualified, so he should reach the top of his profession.

A. proud      B. jealous     C. ambitious       D. enthusiastic

14、As everybody knows,      a person I s,the more things he needs to do tomorrow.

A. the lazy  B. lazier  C. the lazier  D. the laziest

15、一Hello!Friendship Hotel. Can I help you?

一Do you have a room with a double bed      for Saturday?

A. available  B. empty  C. possible  D. useful

16、More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear             clothes to work in the United States.

A.formal          B.serious                C.proper                 D.casual

17、The new research team was led by the ________engineer.

A. main         B. major            C. chief           D. primary

18、 He is very ______ and well-qualified, so he should reach the top of his profession.

A. proud             B. jealous            C. ambitious         D. enthusiastic

19、 Children are ______to meet with setbacks as they grow up, so their parents don’t have to worry about it.

A. consistent           B. arbitrary          C. fragile                  D. bound

20、To work from home, which one could hardly imagine, has been made ______ with the development of computer technology.

A. it possible         B. possible        C. possibly        D. to be possible

21、 Mo Yan, this year's Nobel Prize winner for literature, abandons the conventional writing style and advocates his         _ way of Magic Realism.

A. permanent        B. confidential         C. unique          D. ambiguous

22、—Did you look up the time of the high-speed trains to Shanghai?

—Yes, the early train is           to leave at 5:30 a.m.

A. likely                    B. possible                 C. due                    D. about

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