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名词属于实词,名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。以下是威廉希尔app 整理的安徽2016年高考英语冲刺预测题,请考生在做题时查缺补漏。

1. The idea sounds good in theory, but it is useless if not put into _____.

A. fact B. event C. deed D. practice

2. I’m very grateful to you because you have taken _____ to show me how to do the work.

A. efforts B. pains C. attempts D. difficulties

3. You are in no _____ to work. What has happened?

A. mood B. idea C. attitude D. feeling

4. —I haven’t seen you for ages. Let’s have a get-together next week.

—OK, it’s a _____.

A. charge B. price C. reward D. deal

5. I suggest we go the Qingdao Restaurant for lunch, which is famous for its wide _____ of foods that suit all tastes.

A. division B. area C. range D. circle

6. We can see the blue sky and the shining sun. There is no _____ that it will rain today.

A. doubt B. avenue C. chance D. point

7. The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is a tourist _____ in Beijing, drawing millions of visitors every year.

A. interest B. attraction C. scene D. view

8. —Would you like to go out for dinner with me, Ann?

—Of course, but the only _____ is that you’ll be my guest.

A. position B. instruction C. condition D. invitation

9. Mr. Zhang has taught for thirty years. Everybody sings high praise for his _____ to the cause of education.

A. application B. impression C. reception D. devotion

10. There are twenty-four _____ students in our class and we have three _____ teachers.

A. girl; woman B. girls; women C. girl; women D. girls; woman

11. I don’t see the _____ in discussing the matter any further — we’re just wasting our time.

A. theme B. reason C. point D. aim

12. — Do you think Mary is competent to be an interpreter?

— Sure. She once studied in Australia and has a good _____ of English.

A. need B. command C. recognition D. standard

13. As an excellent translator, he reached a high level of _____ in his English.

A. competence B. independence C. intelligence D. experience

14. I refuse to lie about it; it’s against my _____.

A. ambitions B. principles C. regulations D. opinions

15. There’s a _____ in our class that we have a party on New Year’s Eve.

A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationship


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