Unit9 Can you come to my party?
1. one…another… 表示不确定数目中的另一个
one…theother… 表示两者中的另一个
I don't like this one, canyou show me another?
I have two brothers. One is a lawyer andthe other is a manager.
some…theothers… 表示某一范围的“一些...…其余的…...”
Some go to school by bike and others go toschool by bus.
Some go to school by bike and the others goto school by bus.
2. invite v. 邀请 n. invitation
invite sb. to do sth.“邀请某人干某事”
invite sb. to+地点名词
1) Mr. Green invited me to visit hisfactory last week.
2) Thanks a lot for your invitation
3) Thanks for inviting me to yourparty.
3.(1)What’s the date today? 意为“今天是几月几号?” It’s +月+日。
(2)What day isit today? 意为“今天是星期几?”It’s + 星期几。
—What’s thedate? —It’s September 10th.
—What day is it today? — It’s Wednesday.
4.have a lesson(class) 上课
have an English lesson
5.prepare v. 准备 n. preparation
prepare sth. “准备某物”,所准备的东西就是后面的宾语。
prepare for sth. “为……做准备”,指为后面的宾语做准备
prepare to do sth. “准备做某事”
6. bring...to…“带来”把某物从别的地方带到说话人的地方
Bring your homework here, and take the bookaway.
7.without(介词)没有 反义词:with“具有”
We can’tlive without water.
Jane is a beautiful girl with long hair.
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