



Harry saw an ad in a window. It said: "Wanted. The Best Sales- man in the World. Top Pay."

" I' m a great salesman." Harry told himself." I can sell anything. I'll go in and ask for that job."

He went into the building and spoke to the manager.

"I'm the best salesman in the world," he said. "Give me the job. "

"You must prove you're the best," the manager said.

"I'll pass every test you give me." Harry told him.


The manager took a box of candy out of his desk .

"Last week, I bought a thousand boxes of this candy. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job.

"That's easy," Harry said.

He took the box of candy and left the office.

Every day and all day, he went from shop to shop, trying to sell boxes of the candy .

He couldn't sell one.

The candy was so bad he couldn't even give it away.

At the end of the week he went back to the manager.

"I'm sorry, sir, " he said," I was wrong about myself . I'm not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is.

"Oh," said the manager. "Who?"

"The person who sold you a thousand boxes of this candy, " Harry said.


(1) candy n. 糖果

(2) give away赠送




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