




Shirley: I love breathing fresh air in the suburbplaces, while sitting in the morning sunshine.

Benjamin: I can't agree more, honey. We need toget away from work from time to time.

Shirley: Yeah, just return to nature and feel thethrills of its beauty.

Benjamin: We are nor alone here. So many other families!

Shirley: Sure. The sunny days of spring are ideal for outdoor gatherings.

Benjamin: Well, let's go over there and put a blanket on the lawn.

Shirley: OK, you go back to our car and fetch the picnic stuff.

(Benjamin picks up the whole bag of picnic stuff.)

Benjamin: Oh, so heavy! What have you put in here?

Shirley: Nothing special. Food, drinks, and Daniel's kangaroo toys.

Benjamin: Toys? Why do we need toys for a picnic?

Shirley: He said he would like to be our “tour director” and he lined up many things to do.

Benjamin: Sure, then. May it really be a day of enjoyment. Other than that, we can also teachhim something about science.

Shirley: Science? What are you talking about? Forget about your science, OK? It's a picnic!

Benjamin: I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world.

Shirley: I can't agree on that. Just cut it out. Give him a break and don't spoil the day.

Benjamin: Well, OK. you are always right.


本杰明: 我非常同意,亲爱的。我们就需要这样时不时地放下工作(出来玩)。

雪莉: 是啊,就这样回归自然,感受大自然令人激动的美丽。

本杰明: 并不只有我们来这里哦,好多家庭都来了。

雪莉: 当然了。阳光明媚的春天最适合野外聚会了。

本杰明: 嗯,我们过去那边。把毯子铺在草坪上吧。

雪莉: 好的。你回到车上去把野餐的东西拿过来。


本杰明: 哦,真沉!你在这里面放了什么呀?

雪莉: 没有什么特别的啊。食物、饮料,还有丹尼尔的袋鼠玩具。


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