古话说得好“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,只有积累了一定的经验,才可能提炼出思维的规律,威廉希尔app 编辑了初中英语口语训练教材Speciality Store,欢迎阅读!
Speciality Store
May: I need some new clothes for the coming season. Where shall I go to pick up some?
Gucci: I'm thinking of buying some stuff, too. Let's go to the speciality stores. There will be some new models for sale now.
May: Will the new models be very expensive?
Gucci: Depends on the brands. But there will be some out-of-season clothes on discount, too. So maybe we can also get some stuff, good and cheap.
May: Great. Let's go.
(They step into a speciality store.)
Gucci: Do you like this one? I think it will be great on you.
May: I like the style. Especially the Porsche logo. Let me try it on in the fitting room. Wait a minute!
Gucci: Take your time.
(May stands in front of the mirror, wearing the new dress.)
Gucci: Hmm, not bad, but I'm afraid it's a bit too big for you.
May: Yeah, that's the only problem. Well, do you think they've got a smaller one?
Gucci: Probably not. Most of the clothes here have only one average size.
May: Never mind. What about going to check out the discount section?
Gucci: That's what I'm thinking about.
(They come to the discount section.)
Gucci: Oh, this one.
May: What's up?
Gucci: This dress was a new model this time last year. I loved it but it was a bit too expensive. So I gave it up.
May: Good for you. It's 50% off now. Take it!
Gucci: Sure. I won't miss this chance. It's my lucky day.
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