1. The Italian team beat Germany three to one.
2. The Italian team defeated Germany three to one.
3. The Italian team won the game against German team by a score of three to one.
4. The Italians dominated the Germans three to one.
5. The final score was three to one in the Italians' favor.
【in one's favor: 对某人有利】
6. The Italian team triumphed over Germany three to one.
【triumph over:击败;得胜】
7. The Italians walloped the Germans, with the final score three to one. 【wallop v. 得胜】
1. forward 前锋
2. midfield player 中场队员
3. defender 后卫
4. goalkeeper / goaltender 守门员
5. kick off 中线开球
6. corner kick 角球
7. free kick 任意球
8. penalty kick 点球
9. goal kick 球门发球
10. final 决赛
11.semifinal 半决赛
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