


英语的应用越来越广泛了,我们必须好好来学习英语知识。对此威廉希尔app 初中频道编辑为大家整理了2014年人教版初中英语词组归纳。详情如下:

a bit expensive 有点贵

a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯

a farm worker (=farmer) 农民

a line of mountains 一条山脉

a moment later 过了片刻

a piece of bread 一块面包

a quarter to/past six 六点差/过一刻

a red-letter day 喜庆日子

a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话

above zero 零度以上

agree with 同意某人

all by oneself 全靠自己......

a bit expensive 有点贵

a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯

a farm worker (=farmer) 农民

a line of mountains 一条山脉

a moment later 过了片刻

a piece of bread 一块面包

a quarter to/past six 六点差/过一刻

a red-letter day 喜庆日子

a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话

above zero 零度以上

agree with 同意某人

all by oneself 全靠自己

all day 一整天

all over the world 全世界

all the afternoon 整个下午

all the same 同样地,都一样

all the time 一直

almost the whole day 几乎一整天

answer the telephone 接电话

Are we all here? 我们都到齐了吗

as quickly as you can (你要)尽可能快

as soon as I can/as possible (我)尽可早

as usual 与往常一样

at a bad time of year 在年景不好时


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