在初中这个过渡的时期,总是有同学面对新问题准备的不好,掉下队来,同时,也有些同学方法得当,后来居上。为什么会这样呢?在这里,威廉希尔app 编辑了初中年级英语句型分类知识点,以备借鉴。
1. "Are you going with us?" - "Yes, I'm."
2. "Have you had any news of your horse this morning?" - "Yes, he's fit as a fiddle."
3. "Do you like your house?" - "Oh, fearfully. Won't you come and see it?"
4. Can you not (= can't you) walk a little faster?
5. Ought we not (=Oughtn't we) to give him a chance to try?
句型94[Do (does, did) +主语+(not)谓语+其他]
1. Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper's address? 2. Did you have a good time?
3. "Does this bus take me to Oxford Circus?" - "Yes, get on, please."
[注] 要注意对否定句的回答与汉语习惯不同,如: 1. Didn't you speak to him yesterday? No, I didn't. Yes, I did.
2. Aren't you of the Han nationality? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
1. "You study English, don't you?" - "Yes, we do."
2. "They have decided not to go, haven't they?" "Yes, they have."
3. You like it, don't you? 4. He's ready, isn't he?
1. "You won't be away for long, will you?" - "No, I'll be back in an hour or so."
2. "… I think I'll go into the green line. You couldn't give me a helping hand, could you, Mr. Snape?"
3. "I'd like to go to Central Australia with you…. you have never been out of England, have you?"
4. "He doesn't know anything about it, does he?" - "No, he doesn't.
句型[疑问词(主语)+系词+表语]/ [疑问词(定语)+主语+行为动词+宾语]
1. Who is there? 2. Who gives your English lessons? 3. What is in the box? 4. Which is mine?
5. Whose book is on the desk? 6. How many students work in the workshop?
7. What new products have been turned out in that factory?
1. Who is he? 2. What is he? 3. What is he like? 4. What is it like? 5. What kind of man is he?
6. What day is today? 7. What's the date today? 8. What time is it now? 9. How do you do?
10. How are you getting along? (= how goes it with you? = how is life? = how is everything with you?
11. How is your health? 12. How do you feel? 13. What's matter with you?
14. Where are you going? 15. Where do you come from? 16. Where are you from?
17. What's your nationality, please? 18. What family are you from?
句型[疑问词+in the world/on earth/the devil/the deuce/ever等强调词语+其他]
1. "What the deuce shall I write about?" - He thought. 2. What in the world do you mean?
3. Who on earth (in the world) told you that? 4. Who the devil is he?
5. What the deuce is the matter? 6. What the dickens is it? 7. Who ever wants this?
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