初三英语Unit 1说课稿范文:第二课时



说课稿不同于教案,教案只说“怎样教”,而说课稿则重点说清“为什么要这样教”,小编整理了这篇初三英语Unit 1说课稿范文:第二课时,希望可以帮助到大家!

一、 教材分析

《新目标》九年级话题Unit Topic Functions Structures Unit 1. How canwe become good learner ?主要讲述语言学习——语言学习的策略方法,分析学习困难,谈论学习方法,提出学习建议,培养学生交流与共享的技能。



Keywords and Target Language:

Have youever studied with a group?

Yes, Ihave. I've learned a lot that way

2.过程与方法:According todesigning some tasks, train students’ listening skill and communicativecompetence.

3.情感态度与价值观:If there is anEnglish club in your school, join it to improve your English.

三、 教学重点:

Keywords : Key Vocabulary &Target Language

Structure:verb + by with gerund.

四、 教学难点:


verb +by with gerund

五、 教学策略


六、 教学准备


七、 教学环节


Checkhomework. Invite different students to report their discovery of new ways ofstudying that haven’t been introduced in the book or in class.

Step2 Presentation

I. 2a

Thisactivity provides listening practice using the target language.

Callstudents’attention to the picture. Ask, What do you think is happening? Who are they?

Point tothe list of questions in the box.

Getdifferent students to read them to the class.

Play therecording for the first time.

Play therecording again.

Checkthe answers with the whole class

II. 2b

Thisactivity provides listening practice using the target language.

Point tothe list of answers in the box.

Getdifferent students to read the answers to the class.

Point tothe checked questions in Activity 2a.Playthe recordingCheck the answers with the whole class.

Step3Consolidation and extension

Thisactivity provides oral practice using the target language. Invite a pair ofstudents to read the sample conversation to the class.

Writethe sample conversation on the blackboard.

Movearound the classroom listening in on various pairs so as to check progress andhelp with pronunciation as needed.

Afterstudents have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come tothe front of the room and act out their conversations.




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