初三年级下册英语说课稿范例:Unit 2



威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初三年级下册英语说课稿的相关内容,希望能陪大家度过一个美好的学期,小编提醒,贪玩不能耽误学习哦!

Part One —Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.status and function

In this unit Ss learn to talk about what they are allowed to do and agree and disagree. Such a topic is related to their daily life , so it can raise their learning interest and improve their spoken English. The first period plays a very important role in this unit ,so if the students can learn it well , it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit .

2.Teaching aims

According to New National English Curriculum, our general task is to develop students’ Comprehensive language application ability. So I make the new words and phrases pierce,silly,instead of and so on and some  useful sentences, Such as I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.I agree with you./I don’t think so as knowledge aims.

As for ability aims, to develop Ss' 4 basic skills and the abilities of communication are the central tasks for this class. Besides them, the emotional aim is to help Ss cultivate a good habit of obeying the rules.

3.Teaching key and difficult points

In my opinion,the teaching key and difficult points are based on the teaching material's status and function. The key point is to make sure that Ss can master new words,phrases and sentences. And the difficult points are to help Ss use should(not) be allowed to do to talk about what they are allowed to do and not allowed to do and agree/disagree to present their own opinions and reasons correctly and skillfully. In addition, I will use A tape recorder and PPT courseware as teaching aids. Part Two —Analysis of the Ss

Students of Grade 9 have learned English for more than 6 years . So they have a good foundation in words、sentences and grammar. They have mastered some skills of listening,speaking,reading,and writing .And most students have taken a great interest in English.  Part Three—Teaching Methods

In this class I’ll mainly use Situational teaching method, Audio-visual teaching method and Task-based teaching method. Part Four — Learning Methods



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