


教学是一种创造性劳动。写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想、智慧、动机、经验、个性和教学艺术性的综合体现。威廉希尔app 特别准备了这篇初三英语上册第三单元说课稿以供参考!

Language Focus: harm the environment; improve our environment; make our world more beautiful; a piece of beautiful music; come to my ears; pick up; collect rubbish; produce; as soon as; keep our city clean; wherever; Ifs a pleasant way to… ; It's one's duty to do something

Properties: Pictures: Overhead Projector; Recorder

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. To master some useful expressions.

2 .To understand the reading.

3. To think about low to protect the environment.

II. Revision

1. Check the homework.

2. Revise the dialogue from Part 2 in Lesson 9. Get some of the students to act it out in front of the class.

III. Pre-read

Part 1. In small groups, get the students to discuss the questions.

IV. Presentation

Show some pictures of the environment, and have the students look at the pictures and ask: What environment is beautiful? What environment is polluted?

Get the students to talk about the pictures and speak out their own idea. Teach some words: rubbish; spit. . . Have the students guess the meaning by guestures and pictures. Ask some questions like:

Have you done anything to harm the environment?

What have you done?

Have you ever done anything to improve the environment?

What have you done?

Have the students discuss the questions in small groups, get the whole class to share their answers.

Read through the text and find the answers to the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook.

V. Reading

Part 2. Speech Cassette. Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answers to questions of Exercise I in the workbook, then check the answers in pairs.

Books open, play the tape again and have the students read the text along with the tape. Note some useful expressions:

A piece of beautiful music;

Pick up;

Collect rubbish;

Keep our city clean;

Take care of;

Throw . . . onto. ..;

Spit in a public place;

Cut down;

Protect our environment;

Make a contribution to. . . .



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