七年级英语下册教学计划:Unit 8 第三课时



威廉希尔app 编辑了七年级英语下册教学计划,学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。希望对您有所帮助!

Step 1. greeting

Step 2. Go over the words and go on studying the following words: exchange, exchange student, the U.S, Los Angeles, application, form, Canadian, America, fifty, blackboard.

Step 3. read the following sentences:

What is John like ? Do you know Peter?

He’s very serious.

He’s the tall kid with short hair.

He looks so serious. He is very smart.

He can speak a little Chinese, such as….

Make a dialogue with the sentences.

Step 4. Let’s come to the text:

Look at the section B.

Match the words with the people in the pictures. (read them several times)

2a. Mary is an exchange student in Australia. Listen to her talk to a friend in Canada. What are Mary’s friends like? Fill in the chart under “personality”.

2b. listen again. What do Mary’s friends look like? Fill in the chart under “appearance”

2c. pairwork. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Talk about Alan, Linda, and Alice.

For example: Who’s that? That’s Alan.

What’s he like? He’s funny and outgoing.

3a. Read the letter and fill in Amy’s application form.

3b. Read the information below. Then write a letter about Kim.

Step 5. Writing. Now write a letter about yourself.

Step 6. Explain some uses of the phrases

1.此处的like 作介词,意为:和。。。一样,象。。。。一般地。常用来表示在作法上或在程度上象。。。。

如:I wish I could swim like a dolphin.


His sister acts like a lady.


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