初一年级英语下册教学计划:Unit 4 第一课时





Language topic: What does she do?She is a doctor (  reporter, waiter-----)

What do you want to be?

I want to be an actor.

Where does he work?

He works in a hospital.

Language strategies: Talk about occupations.

Main vocabulary:  sales assistant, doctor, actor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk,  student.

II.语言结构: what questions and it’s answer。

III.语言功能: ask occupation and it’s answer.

IV.活动设计: 采访调查  What’s your …?  or what do (does)----do?

V. Teaching steps:

Step 1:Greetings.

Step 2: Words: (pictures)

Look at this picture. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a hospital. This man is a doctor. That man is a police officer. What does he do? Who knows?


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